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Inspire from Within teaches athletes to become leaders

When training for a sport,

any athlete knows how impor-

tant it is to train yourself phys-

ically, but what many athletes

neglect is the mental strength

required to succeed. Through

a program called Inspire from

Within, several North students

are learning mental skills to

help them succeed as athletes

and leaders.

“Inspire from Within in-

volves strengthening our men-

tal focus,” said Kylie Beecher,

Appleton North junior and

participant in the program.

“We’ve talked about confi-

dence and victorious moments

in our sporting careers, and

why we play the sports we do.”

The program, which is simi-

lar to what League of Lead-

ers was in the past, is lead by

Lucas Jadin, a teacher at Ka-

leidoscope and cross country

and girls basketball coach at

Appleton North, and Mat-

thew Hechel, an Appleton

North teacher and football,

powerlifting, and track coach.

Through its focus on sports

psychology, brain science,

and student leadership, Inspire

It was a week of cultural

awareness here at Appleton

North, and for one particular

student, Saul Roselaar, Global

Week was an opportunity to

share the numerous lessons he

learned while traveling through

Israel this summer.

Roselaar, now a senior at

North, was selected to be a fel-

low for BYFI, the Bronfman

Youth Fellowship in Israel, an

organization focused around a

five week seminar in Israel con-

necting 26 North American ju-

niors each year. Roselaar spent

his summer studying Jewish

texts, politics, and social issues.

“BYFI is a pluralistic fel-

lowship, the goal of the fel-

lowship is simply to connect

diverse Jewish youth,” said

Roselaar. “There was no intent

to convince the fellows of any

particular view, in fact, many

of the educators fundamen-

tally disagreed with each other.

While some fellows returned

more sure in their faith, others

returned highly cynical of even

the idea of God.” He also had

numerous opportunities to meet

with important Jewish and non-

Jewish leaders, including gov-

ernment officials, authors, and

social activists.

His favorite quote of the sum-

mer was from Rabbi Schlesing-

er, who said, “a lie is a part of

the truth masquerading as the

whole truth.”

“Bold claims are made about

every group” said Roselaar.

“And usually these claims are

true a vast minority of the time,

it is important to see the larger

picture.” He also explained oth-

er ideas he elaborated on during

the presentation, including the

political climate of Israel, the

perceived relationship between

religion and morality, enlight-

enment philosophies impact on

religion, and what could be con-

sidered highly heretical views

on religion. Roselaar’s presenta-

tion, though specific to his own

experience, reached many areas

of culture relevant to students

here at North.



wasn’t the only one to bring

global awareness to North High

School. Exchange student Ai-

nie Tabua presented about her

home country the Philippines.

There were also presentations

on the orchestra trip by Nina

Landowski, Lexi Asare, and

Kate Peregrine, Machu Picchu

by Collin Squier and Senora P.

Meyer, and performances by

By Sophie Plzak

Global Week provides students with

opportunities to learn about culture

Appleton North

students prepare


Inspire from Within leader Lucas Jadin and student Ari Holzem help mentor students with special needs at an Inspire Event.

Photo by Asher Edwards



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When joining Gender

Equality Club, senior Sophie

Plzak never imagined that

she would become part of an-

other organization, one that

would help girls, not just in

America, but also around the

world, especially in under-

privileged countries. After

researching many charities

and talking to the workers

at the Harbor House, Plzak

started generating many


“One day, I watched this

video of how homeless wom-

en in inner cities have to

make their own tampons be-

cause the drug store brands

are too expensive for them,

and there aren’t many ways

to obtain free tampons and

pads,” Plzak said.

After looking through the

Days for Girls website, Plzak

found a multitude of resourc-

es, in order to organize an

Appleton North High School

chapter of Days for Girls.

“So many girls through-

out the world have to miss

school, since they physically

don’t have any materials that

can help them deal with the

blood. In this organization,

we help create products that

are reusable and easy for

these women to carry around

in a backpack so we can help

restore a woman’s dignity

and keep them from feel-

ing shame brought on by the


After Plzak presented this

idea at a Gender Equality

Club meeting, many mem-

bers started exploring the

Days for Girls website, so

they could get started on cre-

ating a DFG (Days for Girls)

kit to send to these countries.

The website gives a descrip-

North students raise money to

help females in need through

Days for Girls organization

By Fatima Ali



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mental grit

By Ally Price



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Sophie Plzak, Raven Wilson,

and Yasmeen Ashour are con-

tributors to the Days for Girls

program at Appleton North.

Photo by Brennan Arnold

Saul Roselaar, left, meets with Ali Abu-Awwad, Rabbi Hanan

Schlesinger, and Rabbi Sharon Cohen Anisfeld through the Bron-

fman Youth Fellowship in Israel.

Photo by Isaiah Milbauer