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APRIL 1992

applicant's oral and written skills

in that language. From memory,

I recall that both examinations

were very similiar as to content

and difficulty. I think it is both a

waste of time and money

especially on the applicant's

behalf, to have to sit almost two

identical examinations. It is very

well known, that the failure rate

is very, very low. The threshold

of both written and oral skills

required does not seem to be very

high. Therefore, it would seem a

farce that these examinations are

seen as a measurement of an

applicant's ability. In fact it

makes a mockery of the whole


b) Rather than have two (almost

identical) examinations, I would

suggest that a day be set aside

either on the Professional or

Advanced Course (or both)

where students are taught a

basic legal vocabulary in Irish.

I am sure a student would rather

learn the Irish for District

Court, instalment order, consent,

adjournment, conveyance,

contract, etc., rather than for a

currach being rowed over

rough seas off the Kerry coast!

It would, therefore, seem to me that

the purpose of the Irish

examinations is self-defeating and

has now been rendered meaningless.

However, I would not see any

objection to the proposal as outlined


Finally, in case any reader would

think that this is an anti-Irish letter,

I am a fluent speaker and this letter

has been written in an attempt to

defend the abuse of our native


Yours etc.,

Feargal O'Dulaing





Co. Clare.

Croatia Appeal

President, Incorporated Law Society

of Ireland,

Blackhall Place

Dear Colleague,

We are deeply grateful that you

responded to our appeal of 30.8.1991

and expressed your solidarity and

support with the Croatian people in

this bloody and dramatic struggle

for freedom.

The Republic of Croatia has been an

internationally recognised State since

15 January, 1992. We cannot thank

you enough for your contribution to

the realization of the centuries-old

dream of the Croatian nation and

Croatian lawyers through your

action, support and influence.

Unfortunately, Croatia has had to

pay very dearly for its freedom: tens

of thousands dead and wounded,

hundreds of thousands dislocated,

cities destroyed, levelled and more

than 1/3 of Croatian farms

destroyed . . . You most likely have

already received information about



However, I want, in particular, to

inform you about the huge damage

suffered by Croatian lawyers in this

barbaric war against Croatia. The

war has struck around forty cities

since June, 1991. We mention only

some of these: Osijek, Vinkovci,

Vukovar, Ilok, Karlovac, Dubrovnik,

Sibenik, Zadar. Since this time,

lawyers in these towns and regions

have been unable to work. They are

left without any kind of income.

Some have been killed or wounded

and many of them have seen their

homes, apartments and offices

destroyed. We are speaking of about

400 lawyers and law clerks which is

1/3 of all lawyers in the Republic.

The Croatian Bar Association has

begun an action to help our

colleagues and in this aim, we have

founded the Croatian Lawyers Trust

to collect and distribute aid.

We are therefore appealing to you

and asking your bar associations and

members to join in this action of


collecting money for the above-

mentioned purpose. A special bank

account has been opened at the

Bank of Zagreb. Contributions can

be sent to: The Bank of Zagreb.

Foreign Currency Account Number:


Croatian Lawyers Trust.

The Croatian Bar Association is

supervising the entire action.

Your inclusion in this action would

not mean only material help but

more support to the Croatian Bar

Association in its battle to establish

a legal state in our homeland after

this terrible war.

We thank you and express our

sincere and friendly greetings!

Mario Kos


Croatian Bar Association

41000 Zagreb,

Zrinjevac 15/11



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