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JUNE 1992

M u r r a y Sw e e n e y / S u n d ay Bus i ne ss Post

L aw Aw a r ds

Roscommon Bar

Association News

The following were elected officers

of the Ro s c ommon Bar Association

for the year 1992/93.

President: Brian Neilan, Ro s common

Vice-President: J o hn Kelly, Boyle

Secretary: Brian O ' Co n n o r,


Treasurer: Marie Connellan,


Shaun O'Shea Killarney, an LLMstudent at University College Cork, winner of The Sunday

Business Post Law Awards competition, sponsored by Murray Sweeney, Solicitors, Limerick

and Dublin, pictured receiving a chequefor £1,500from Joe Sweeney (r), Managing Partner,

Murray Sweeney Solicitors. Also pictured (1) is Dr. Michael Forde, College Lecturer in

Law at UCD, who was one of the judges of the competition.

The Annu al Dress Dance of the

Ro s c ommon Bar Assocation will be

held at the Abbey Hotel,

Ro s common on Friday, 22 May.

Details are available f r om Brian

O ' Co n n o r, P. De smond O ' Co n n or &

Co., Ballaghaderreen (0907) 60025.

The Annu al Golf outing will be held

at Ballaghaderreen Golf Club on

Wednesday, 27 May. Details are

ava lable f r om De rmot Neilan,

N ilan & Co., Ballaghaderreen,

(0907) 26115.

Younger Members Committee



Saturday, 23rd May, 1992

in aid of The Solicitors Benevolent




The Educational Building Society


The Law Society, Blackhall

Place, Dublin 7.

* Live Music throughout the day *

Creche Facilities.

The Soccer Blitz will be followed by a

social evening.

For registration form please write to:

Younger Members Committee,


Place, Dublin 7.

"Trial by Jury"

Volunteers Wanted

to take part in the performance of

Trial by Jury (Gilbert & Sullivan)

in aid of The Solicitors Benevolent


Soloists and chorus members required.

Please reply to:

Geraldine Clarke, 29 Anglesea


Tel: 718048, Fax: 711240


Patricia Doolan, Law Society.

Tel: 710711