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nf Jfrdanfr

Vol. XVII., No. 2],

June, 1923.





The Half-yearly General Meeting of the

Society was held on Wednesday, the 16th

May, in the Molesworth Hall, Dublin, Mr.

Joseph E. MacDermott, President, occupied

the chair.

The following members were present :—

A. W. Stirling (Vice-President), P. M. Scales



J. Brady, W. G.

Bradley, E. H. Burne, J. W" Dyas, F.

Fottrell, W. H. Fry, C. G. Gamble, M. L.

Hearn, W. Henry, R. N. Keller, J. Moore,

A. H. S. Orpen, A. D. Orr, T. G. Ouirke,

J. W. Richards, W. V. Seddall, B. Thompson,

R. G. Warren, R. Blair White, C. P. Wilson,

Sir George Roche, H. J. McCormick, W. J.

Ryan, D.

B. Dunne, Michael


(Kilkenny), Edward Condell, R. A. O'Brieri,

E. R. Bate, James Brady, W. L. Barlee,

R. D. Orr, V. E. Kirwan. E. R. McC. Dix,

C. St. G. Orpen, J. C. Erskine, James Henry,

E. J. Mallins, J. P. Collins, John Moran.

The Secretary (Mr. W. G. Wakely) read

the notice convening the meeting, and also

the Minutes of

the Half-yearly General

Meeting held in November last, which latter

were confirmed and signed.

The President nominated the following

members to act as Scrutineers of the ballot

for Council to be held in November next :—

Mr. E. F. Collins, Mr. Michael Dawson,

Mr. Raymond French, Mr. F. G. Sharpe, and

Mr. N. Taylor.

Mr. Stirling, V.P., moved, Mr. Scales,

V.P., seconded, and it was resolved, that

Mr. W. W. Carruthers, Mr. D. B. Dunne and

Mr. T. A. Ireland be appointed Auditors of

the Society's account for the year ending

30th April, 1923.

THE PRESIDENT addressing the meet

ing, said :—Since our last half-yearly meeting

we have to record with deep regret the deaths

of no less than nineteen members of our

Society ;

they are as follows :—Mr. Florence

A. Greene, Mr. James S. Bernard, and Mr.

John Craig Davidson, all of Dublin, com

paratively young members of the profession ;

Mr. Robert S. Baylor, of Cork ;

Mr. Ralph

Nash, of Limerick ;

Mr. Conyers Baker, who

died in London ; Mr. Richard J. O'Donnell,

of Carrick-on-Suir ; Mr. Norman C. Caruth,

of Ballymena ; Mr. Richard W. Doherty, of

Bandon ;


Charles H. Monsarrat,

formerly of Dublin ; Mr. Martin H. Turnbull,

of Belfast, who was a past President of the

Northern Law Society and a member of the

Council of the Incorporated Law Society oi

Northern Ireland, and for many years past

an extra-ordinary member of the Council of

this Society ;

Mr. Michael O'Shea,


Kilrush ; Mr. George R. Scott, of Dublin;

Mr. Charles B. Tracy, of Newbridge ;


Thomas C. Franks, of Dublin, one of the

oldest members of our profession, member of

our Council





President of the Society in 1891-2; Mr.

James Valentine Dunn, of Dublin ;


Christopher J. Healy, of Fermoy ; Mr. Louis

C. P. Smith, of Cavan, who was formerly

Crown Solicitor for that County, and was a

member of your Council for many years ;

he was a man of many activities outside his

profession, and took a large and practical