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JULY, 1923]

The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.


New Members.

The following have joined the Society :—

Charles S. Doyle, 21 Upper Ormond

Quay, Dublin.

Joseph C. Erskine, 5 Hume Street,


John R. Halpin, Cavan.

Patrick MacGrath, Nenagh.

John G. Magrath, Clones.

Timothy J. Regan, Roscrea.

Philip N. Smith, Cavan.

The Society's Examinations in 1924.

There will be two Preliminary Examina

tions, one in April, the second in October.

There will be two Intermediate Examina

tions, one in July, the second in October.

There will be two Final Examinations, one

in April, the second in October.

Those Apprentices who would be entitled,

by reason of the date of the expiration of



to attend a Final Ex

amination in January, 1924, are at liberty to

attend the Final Examination to be held on

9th, 10th and llth October, 1923.

Examination Results.

At the Preliminary Examination, held on

28th and 29th May, 1923,

the following

passed the Examination, and their names

are arranged in order of merit:—


Patrick Byrne.

2. Vincent P. Dillon.

3. Annie Josephine Smyth.


James Stephen Byrne.

5. William M. L. Ardill.

Peter Canning passed the modified Pre

liminary Examination for which he had

liberty to present himself.

Nine Candidates attended, six passed, and

three were postponed.

At the Final Examination, held on 23rd,

24th and 25th May, 1923,

the following

passed the Examination, and their names

are arranged in order of merit:—

1. Bernard J. D. O'Kelly.


John Taylor.

3. Edward Walsh.

4. Helena M. Early.


Felix S. H. Derham.


John F. McCartan, B.A., N.U.I.

7. Michael J. C. Keane.

8. David R. Pigot, B.A., T.C.D.

9. Harry McCracken.

10. Henry St. J. Blake.


James R. Barry



Robert B. Wolfe ) equai '


Alexander M. Healy.

The Council awarded a Special Certificate

to Bernard J. D. O'Kelly,

Fourteen Candidates attended, thirteen

passed, and one was postponed.

Statutes of Northern Ireland.

The following Statutes have been passed

by the Parliament of Northern Ireland :—


Exchequer (Temporary Borrowing).

Exchequer and Audit.



Local Government (Emergency Powers).

Ministries oi Northern Ireland.

Speaker of the Senate.

Speaker of the House of Commons.

Salaries of Ministerial Offices.



Consolidated Fund.


Exchequer Borrowing and Local Loans.

Unemployment Fund.

Civil Authorities (Special Powers).

Criminal Procedure.

Unemployment Insurance.


Referees and Arbitrators.

Joint Nursing and Midwives.

Motor Vehicle Races.

Livestock Breeding.

Church Temporalities Fund.


National Health Insurance.

Local Government.

Unemployment Insurance (Amendment).



Uniformity of Laws.

Expiring Laws.

Local Authorities, etc.

Appropriation (No. 2.)

Loans Guarantee.

Belfast Harbour.

Londonderry Bridge.