20 Speak Out
December 2014
Speech Pathology Australia
professional practice news
Private Practitioners (PPs) geared up
for another busy year!
And so were we here at Speech
Pathology Australia!
Don’t forget that you can contact
Nichola by phoning 03 9642
4899 or emailing
if you
have queries related to Private Practice.
Privacy Amendment (Enhancing
Privacy Protection) Act 2012 came
into effect
The amended Privacy Act contains
13 new Australian Privacy Principles
(APPs) that all PPs must adhere to.
SPA’s Privacy Guide 2014 contains
general information about the APPs as
well as a privacy policy and consent
form template or for more information go
SPA National Conference
presentation on managing
challenging clients and situations
Take home messages?
“Think Risk” so that you may set
in place policies and procedures
prior to an issues arising.
Make sure you have professional
indemnity insurance.
For more information contact
SPA or read the information
sheets on consent, privacy etc
in the resources section of the
For free legal advice (available to
SPA members with PI insurance
with Guild) contact Kellie Dell’Oro
at Meridian Lawyers by phoning 03
9810 6775
SPA’s Private Speech Pathology
Practice Policy and Procedure
Manual added to the website
A sample Policy and Procedure Manual
(including templates) was added to the
Resources section of the website. PPs
are encouraged to use this resource as
a starting point for developing their own
The P&P manual will be reviewed during
2015 so if you have any feedback please
let us know.
September and October
PP Seminars held in QLD and WA
The seminars were a great opportunity
for PPs to get together to learn, share
and support each other in a relaxed and
comfortable environment.
PP Seminars will be held in VIC, QLD,
WA, SA and NSW in 2015. Keep an eye
out for dates and online registration info
in the Events eNews.
Webinars for speech pathologists
launched by Medicare
Medicare ran a number of free
webinars aimed at supporting speech
pathologists that provide Medicare
rebateable services. The webinars
were well attended and it is hoped that
they will become a regular feature.
SPA will also run a number of webinars
for members working in PP in 2014.
Details to follow.
Many PPs look forward to a well-
earned rest over January!
We hope you have had a successful
year and wish you all the very best for
Don’t forget to renew your SPA
membership by 1 January to maintain
your eligibility to provide Medicare
rebateable services.
Christine Lyons
Senior Advisor Professional Practice
Nichola Harris
Professional and Clinical Support Advisor
Private Practice – 2014 in Review
All advertising materials must contain information
that is:
based on evidence
Advertising must not:
guarantee results
misrepresent the profession
contain testimonials
contain the words “expert” or “specialist”
For more information,
including a checklist that you
can use to audit your advertising
, refer to SPA’s FAQs
document – Advertising in the Resources section of the
Don’t forget members can advertise their SPA membership
and CPSP status by using an approved, high quality
logo obtained from SPA. Copies of the logo can be
obtained from Lana Busby (Publications Officer) by
Trish Johnson
Senior Advisor Ethics and Professional Issues
Does your advertising comply with SPA’s Code of Ethics?