SpeakOut_December2014_FINAL_eCopy - page 27

Speak Out
December 2014
The 2014
Scientific Affairs Event was
held on 15 October 2014. This year,
the committee planned something a
little different to previous years. We
held the research event with a glass of
wine in a casual bar atmosphere (in a
private function room), hence the name
Research and Wine (RAW).
The event proved to be extremely
popular, selling out within a couple
of weeks of registrations being
open, and attracting a good mix of
speech pathology undergraduate and
postgraduate students and community
This year’s event aimed to promote
a research culture within the speech
pathology profession. We had
excellent speakers with different levels
of research experience, including
Honours, postgraduate research,
community clinicians and established
academic researchers speak about
their top tips for conducting research.
This was coupled with fun networking
opportunities to cap off the night.
The overall rating of the event
from all participants who completed
the feedback form was ‘excellent’.
Participants highly rated the casual
environment and networking
opportunities. Comments from
participants included that the
speakers inspired them to do
research. Some suggestions for
future events included more information
about specific research projects
currently happening in WA. Overall
the event was successful and we look
forward to implementing similar ones in
the future.
Thank you to the sub-committee for
their assistance and to the speakers for
a successful research event!
Scientific Affairs WA Sub-Committee
Naomi Cocks, Charn Nang,
Sharon Ryder, Millie Galan-Dwyer
2014 Scientific
Affairs Event –
RAW night
The 2014 ‘Research and Wine’ (RAW) Scientific
Affairs Event was a great success, attended by a
range of speech pathology students and clinicians.
western australia
2016 Conference Planning Committee
Speech Pathology Australia is pleased to announce the following WA members have
been accepted for a position on the 2016 National Conference Planning Committee:
Michelle Quail
– Convenor
Dr Deborah Hersh
– Scientific Program Sub Committee Chair
Natalie O'Brien
Ashleigh Pascoe
Kathryn Ramsay
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