Thursday, September 15, 2016
BROCKHURST (boys) and
Marlston House (girls) are
twin schools sharing the same
estate at Marlston,
The schools offer a unique educa-
tion with the best features of
small single-sex classes and
shared extra-curricular activi-
ties at the centre of which is a
magnificent Jacobean style
mansion set in stunning Berk-
shire countryside.
Specialist and qualified staff
promote a family atmosphere for
the 3-13 age range and prepare
children for entry to leading
independent schools to which
they regularly gain academic,
music, art and sports scholar-
There are outstanding facilities
with 21 acres of games fields
within a 500-acre site, including a
sports hall, indoor 25m swim-
ming pool, tennis courts, art and
design studios, ICT suite, new
Learning Development Centre
(2011) and a superb equestrian
In Year 7 all of the pupils attend a
week-long residential course in a
chateau in France.
In addition to full boarding and
day school, flexi/weekly board-
ing is a popular choice and there
is also a daily bus service for
Hungerford, Ramsbury and
At Brockhurst and Marlston
House the nursery and pre-prep
children have the advantage of a
department designed specifically
for the age group, adjacent to the
main prep school within its own
garden and adventure play area.
Children join the nursery class
following their third birthday
and most are introduced to the
school day by attending the
swimming sessions each
Wednesday morning for
‘Toddlers and Parents ’.
These are free sessions for those
registered for the nursery class.
The curriculum is designed to
include the early learning goals,
at the Foundation Stage, while
extending each pupil according
to their own pace of learning
and individual development as
they progress through the
Much attention is given to social
skills and boosting confidence.
The pre-prep children use all the
facilities of the prep schools and
therefore the transition from pre-
prep to main school is smooth
and automatic.
The Learning Development
Centre, Palmer House, with
CReSTed status, has dedicated,
trained, experienced staff at the
heart of your child’s education
and offers a range of learning
experiences including the gifted
and talented on extended learn-
ing programmes, English as a
Foreign Language (EFL) taught
in very small groups, or individ-
ually and support for pupils with
learning difficulties thus meet-
ing the specific needs of each
The schools aim:
to develop successful, indepen-
dent learners based on sound
assessment and prior knowledge
to identify strengths and barri-
ers to achievement with each
to promote self-esteem, a sense
of pride and resilience in each
to help children to take
responsibility for their learning.
The two schools offer a broad
curriculum, which includes
music, art and drama and an
exciting range of extracurricular
This breadth is reflected in the
range of scholarships achieved
by pupils this year.
However, above all, children
leave Brockhurst and Marlston
House as self confident, well
mannered and enthusiastic indi-
viduals equipped to make the
most of the opportunities and
challenges ahead of them.
Contact Mrs Rachel Harper
on (01635) 200293. email:
rachel.harper@brockmarl.org.uk;www. brockmarl. org. uk
Brockhurst & Marlston House Schools
A wide range of extra-curricular
activities are offered to encourage
social skills and boost confidence
Senior pupils will be delighted to welcome you to the
school to see what is on offer.
Contact the Registrar:
registrar@brockmarl.orgNewbury Weekly News