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TheSan DiegoCo llege for Women wa s founde don Oct ob er20,

1949, an d ch ar te re dDecembe r2, 1949. Wo rk had al ready begu n on

th e la rge me sa ,Al cal a Pa rk, ce nt rallyloca tedin th e cit y of San Diego ,

and plan s for the co ns truct ionwer e und erway. Thenext twoyea rs wer e

sp en t in bu ild ingop erations .On Ja nu ar y31 , 1952, th e first members

of th e stafftook up resid enceat Alca la Pa rk. Cla sse s werebegu nFeb ru­

ary 11 , 1952, w itha small gr ou pof stud en ts,wh ich ha s stea di lygrown

in numbe rs .