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Chi ld renof Mary Co un ci l:El ayn e La ng en ieu x,presid en t,Paula Sahi n, Ma rga ret Fahlstr om

Children ofMary

On the Feast of Ma ter Admirabilis 1954,

the long awai ted day arrived! The SanDiego

College for Women hadits first reception into

the Children of Mary. The originalmembers

were Lillian Jimenez, Jacqueline Kearns,

Margaret Fahlstro m, Elayne Langenieux,

Paula Sabin, Diane Sinclair , Mary Louise

Turne r. At thei r first meet ing, Elayne was

elect ed pres ident; Pau la, vice p resident; and

Margare t, secretary . Main taining their posi­

tions for two years, these officerswere of great

help to thei r moderator, Mother Parks, in

establishing as college tradit ions all the

special Sacred Heart devot ions, processions,

and practices.

The Lily Procession was i nstituted in 1952

and the May Crowning in 1953, while the

above members were still aspirants. Then, as

Children ofMary, their first corporate act was

to establish in 1954 a Gu ard ofHonor for the

Sacred Heart on First Fridays. The following

year, a parallel Guard ofHonor was instituted

for Our Lady.

On St. Madeleine Sophie's Feast, 1955,

Joan Fennell, Ruth Jimenez, Constance Sal­

erno, and Mary Scott were received into the

congregation; and on Oct ober 20, 1955, Beth

Ann Smith, Mary AnnDa ly, Rosemary Cas­

tillo, Kathleen Wollstein, Virginia Rodee,

Carol Reilly, and Mary Jimenez. The most