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recent reception on February 3,1956 included

Rosanne Biane, Carol Farr ell, and Patricia


Unde r the patronage of Blessed Philippine

and the instruction of Mother Furary , many

freshmen are acquainted with the ideals of

the ChildrenofMary. They are invitedto join

the Aspirants ofSt. Madeleine Sophie unde r

the direction of Mother Campbe ll in their

sophomore year. All — pre-aspi rant s, aspir­

ants , and members — strive daily "to make

interior life of the soul of (t he ir )daily life,"

bu t special honors go to Mary Turne r, who

has been elected three years in succe ssion to

crown Our Lady at the end of the scholas tic

year in May.

Religious Affairs

Th e Pres ident, Vice-President, and Secre­

tary of the Chi ldren of Mary and two repre­

sent atives from each class are the members of

this commi ttee,established under the Consti­

tution of S eptembe r, 1954. The chairman of

the committee holds a place on the Student

Council , and also on the Joint Social Com­

mit tee.

It is the privilege of this group to arrange

for spir itua l pract ices for the student body

each liturgica l season; to prepare for the

Firs t Friday Guard of Honor and all special

novenas and Masses; to carry out the plans

for all ceremonies and processions. TheApos-

tlesh ip of Prayer andthe League of the Sacred

Hea rt are alsounder the auspices of the com­

mit tee. Asub-committee of volunteer student-

sacristans has the privilege of preparing under

the direction of the sacris tan all Masses and

Benediction s in the college chapel.

1954 Member s: Elavne Langenieux, Chair­

man; Paula Sabin, Margaret Fahlstrom, Ruth

Jimenez, Rosa Maria Molina, and Barbara


1955 Members:Elayne Langenieux, Chair­

man; Paula Sabin, Margaret Fahlstrom, Mary

Earl ey, Mary Jimenez, Mary Borba, Patricia

Pra tt, andKathrine Seabrook.