failure changed as a result of the high rate of local tumor
control and gross-total resection.
The improved rate of disease control in this study may
be attributable to factors that include the high proportion of
cases in which gross-total resection was done, systematic
targeting with three-dimensional imaging, and the rela-
tively high prescribed total dose. Gross-total resection was
performed in 84% of cases, near-total resection in 7%, and
subtotal resection in 9%; the average volume of residual
disease was only 1.2 cm
. The percentage of cases in
which gross-total resection was conducted in this study
was higher than the national average, which has ranged
from 40% to 60%.
We evaluated CNS effects in a rigorous, consistent
manner, using widely accepted tests to identify the effects of
radiation on cognitive, endocrine, and neurologic function.
The most encouraging finding from this study was the level
of function and lack of treatment-related effects in a young
and vulnerable group of children treated with high-dose
irradiation. Only a limited comparison of neurocognitive
effects can be made between patients from this study and
those treated conventionally, because prospective data from
a similarly well-characterized group of pediatric patients
with ependymoma are not available. After correcting for
other factors responsible for neurocognitive function in
pediatric patients with CNS tumors, other investigators
found that the dose and volume of irradiation seem to play
a role in altering neurocognitive status or intellectual out-
come. In a study that included 59 pediatric patients with
medulloblastoma and 37 with posterior fossa ependymoma
(including 14 patients younger than 3 years at the time
ependymoma was diagnosed), 90% of those with ependy-
moma, which was treated with irradiation to the posterior
fossa, maintained an IQ greater than 90 at 5 to 10 years after
In the group with medulloblastoma, which
was treated with craniospinal irradiation and a boost to the
posterior fossa, only 20% of patients had an IQ greater than
90 at 5 years, and the proportion decreased to 10% at 10
years. In a separate publication, a review of multiple studies
compared the IQ of pediatric patients treated postopera-
tively with craniospinal irradiation, focal irradiation of the
primary site, or no irradiation.
Patients who received
craniospinal irradiation had significantly lower IQs than
those who did not receive such treatment; however, those
treated with focal irradiation had IQ values comparable to
those who received no irradiation. These results support
efforts to reduce the volume of irradiation. Much of the fear
instilled in those who treat young children with brain tu-
mors may be derived from reports about children with
medulloblastoma for whom a persistent and early decline in
intellectual outcome is anticipated after craniospinal irradi-
Perhaps the most direct comparison of the present
neurocognitive outcomes can be made with the results from
the study of Grill et al,
who reported a mean IQ of 85.3
(standard deviation,
13.6) for 12 long-term survivors of
ependymoma treated with conventional posterior fossa ir-
radiation at age 5 years. Spiegler et al
recently reported
on four patients with ependymoma and 30 with medullo-
blastoma in a study that was meant to show change over
time and the onset of stability for IQ measured after radia-
tion therapy. Because of the small number of serial evalua-
tions, their modeling was limited to 17 patients evaluated
within 6 months from diagnosis and followed for a median
of 3.3 years. They found that patients evaluated early in their
treatment course experienced a steep decline with eventual
leveling in the pattern of a quadratic function.
Our study is unique because it includes children
younger than 3 years at the time of irradiation. The age of 3
years has been used to define those who are at greatest risk of
the effects of irradiation and for whom trials have been
designed in an effort to delay or avoid irradiation. Age at the
time of diagnosis has also been described as an important
prognostic factor. In the present study, 13 of the 48 patients
younger than 3 years experienced disease progression. Chil-
dren in this age group in earlier studies had a worse prog-
nosis than older patients, possibly because of more
aggressive tumor biology, reluctance to give postoperative
radiation therapy, or use of lower doses of radiation.
29,39, 40
The first infant study by the Pediatric Oncology Group
attempted to delay radiation therapy by using postoperative
chemotherapy and showed a significant difference in out-
come based on age.
The 5-year PFS estimate was
12.7% 8% for the 31 patients between the ages of 0 and 23
months treated with chemotherapy for 2 years, whereas the
17 patients who were 24 to 36 months old treated with
chemotherapy for 1 year had an estimate of 54.8% 15%.
The age-related differences remained even when the analy-
sis was limited to those without metastases who had under-
gone gross-total resection: the 5-year PFS estimates were
Fig 4.
Mean Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale scores before and after
conformal radiation therapy.
Merchant et al