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Teddies TV

Tune in for our latest films: Dance at

Teddies and the CAS project on food

waste (see page 12). Films with the

TOC tag are made by our talented

pupil film unit Teddies on Camera.

It is always a great treat to reach the

Summer Term and the focus it brings to

our academic endeavours.

The academic life of the School features

highly in this edition with the unveiling of

our proposed development of the Quad,

including a striking new Academic Centre and

Library (pages 4 & 5), and a major piece on

preparing for a career in Medicine following

Word from theWarden

a conference organised by James Vaughan-

Fowler, Head of Careers. Five women came

to talk to pupils about their experiences of

working in different areas of Medicine – we

welcomed an ethics specialist, a consultant

pathologist, a consultant breast surgeon, a

lecturer in pathology and a senior research

nurse. Although the speakers were part of a

group promoting women in science, our boys

also attended, and both boys and girls have

written up their thoughts – see pages 10 & 11.

The work of our Careers Department

is in stark contrast to a recent study by the

Association of Employment and Learning

Providers which said that the quality and

availability of information, advice and guidance

is ‘a very serious concern’. This follows a

Daily Telegraph

survey at the end of last year

which found that ‘nearly half of teachers

believe that careers advice offered by schools

is inadequate or poor’. Here at St Edward’s

we take the careers function very seriously;

we appointed James Vaughan Fowler, a

Members of a Very

Noble Friendship

A new book by school Archivist

Christopher Nathan OSE

On 4th August 1914, when the Great War

broke out, the 40-strong OTC force were

attending their annual camp at Tidworth. The

announcement that hostilities were about to

begin spread like wildfire; life would never be

the same again. 673 members of the School’s

community went into uniform over these

years. 121 OSE and three teachers were

lost and many more wounded - some many

times over.

This book


what occurred

in those


times, both

at the various

battle stations

all over the

world and

also back

in Oxford.

The book will be available to purchase

from July priced at £15 + £4.95

for postage and packing within the UK.

To purchase a copy, for details

of international postage costs or to

arrange collection from the School,

please contact the OSE Office on


01865 319362.

Warden Ferguson faced enormous

challenges at the School with the constant

exodus of key people, as well as having to

announce in Chapel the lists of those lost,

often with siblings in the congregation.

Big School (now the Library and Old Library) in 1916

professional head-hunter, several years

ago. Mr Vaughan Fowler has been doing an

extraordinary job revolutionising careers advice

for pupils and I have no doubt that we are well

ahead of the crowd in this particular area.

Elsewhere, we focus on this year’s school

charity, Restore, which supports people with

mental health problems in Oxfordshire. We

also enjoy a lively account of the cricket tour to

Barbados by Jonny Nelmes and an entertaining

retrospective celebrating the 40th anniversary

of John Wiggins’ first boat race win for Oxford

in 1976. The BBC spent some six months

following the preparations and selection of the

Oxford crew all the way through to the race

itself – copyright complications permitting, we

hope highlights of the footage will be available

soon on Teddies TV.

Stephen Jones

Front cover: James Curtis and Brandon Allen

in Barbados by Simon Hipwell