Cornwall Branch IPA has upbeat AGM
Mike Chappell
Members new and not so new gathered at the Victoria Inn, Roche, Cornwall for an upbeat Annual General Meeting of the Cornwall Branch IPA.
Every chair around the conference table was filled as the meeting saw Branch Secretary Colin Gameson, Vice Chair Tony Wilce, Secretary Andrew
Hamilton and Treasurer Valerie Mearns re-elected but with the offer of more help for these hard working Committee members in the future.
Amongst many issues discussed, it was agreed that the IPA’s Mid Monthly Memos were a success and were being actively read by the membership.
Forthcoming Branch activities were mulled over and tasks agreed by members in respect of future events.
With the news that two Police Officers from Queensland, Australia were in Cornwall during July, an outline programme for their visit was agreed which
would take in some of Cornwall’s iconic UNESCO recognised World Heritage landscape and mining history.
Refreshments were served and greatly enjoyed by everyone judging by the empty platters!
In the spirit of ‘one and all’ (Cornwall’s ancient motto) Branch members purchased charity
lanyards in support of the new Kreslu Charity. ‘Kreslu’, the Cornish word for police officer,
literally ‘Peace officer’ is the name adopted for Cornwall’s brand new police charity, working
to support injured police officers and staff in Cornwall & the Isles of Scilly.
The lanyards which also bear Cornwall’s St. Piran’s cross flag may be purchased at £2 each
plus postage & packing by email to:
Kreslupolicecharity@gmail.comand the new charity
maintains a Facebook presence at:
https://www.facebook.com/kreslupolicecharity/The meeting was greatly enjoyed by all those present and run in true IPA fashion reflecting
the organisation’s motto ‘service through friendship’.
South Wales Branch
Denis Hunt
During the usual formal proceedings in which we voted in a full Executive Committee, Jeff Farrar,
Chief Constable of Gwent Police and joint Branch Patron, provided us with amusing anecdotes of
officers varied recollections during their pre-retirement meeting with him. This was followed by a
superb demonstration by members of the 41st Foot Military re-enactment Society.
Branch members were required to each ‘sign up’ for service with the Regiment in Canada fighting the
damnable Americans. Each signed the Oath of Allegiance to King George III following which they were
then told exactly how little they would receive from their bounty payment following costs for uniform
and associated items. In addition they received a warning of the possible brutal lifestyle during the Canadian
Following the demonstrations, each Branch member was offered the opportunity to buy themselves out of service by placing the signed oath,
together with a gold coin, upon the Regiment drum. All monies received then went to the Regiment Funds. An oath was then randomly drawn and
the lucky name was presented with a bottle of whisky.
Many questions later, Denis Hunt (Secretary), presented a cheque to John Dart (Colour Sgt in the Group) together with a Region 4 Pennant and a
memorial truncheon. A fabulous evening, but how do we follow that for our next meeting?
Vol 62 No. 2, 2017
IPA News