Brunner and Suddarth’s Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing,
14th Edition
Janice L. Hinkle and Kerry H. Cheever
For over 50 years,
Brunner & Suddarth’s Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing
, has
maintained a comprehensive yet accessible approach covers a broad range of medical
conditions while focusing on the nursing process and the nurse’s role in caring for and
educating patients and families within today’s complex health care delivery system. This
edition focuses on physiologic, pathophysiologic, and psychosocial concepts as they
relate to nursing care and integrates a variety of concepts from other disciplines such as
nutrition, pharmacology, and gerontology. Coverage of the health care needs of people with
disabilities, nursing research findings, ethical considerations, and evidence-based practice
provides opportunities for readers to refine their clinical decision-making skills.
978-1-4963-5513-3 / 2328 pp / Oct 2017
Mental Health
Lippincott’s Manual of Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans,
9th Edition
Judith M. Schultz and Sheila L. Videbeck
An outstanding resource for students and practicing nurses,
Manual of Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans
contains 52 nursing care plans that
address the most commonly encountered behaviours in psychiatric–mental
health nursing. An excellent tool to introduce students to clinical psychiatric
experience, the Manual demonstrates use of the nursing process in psychiatric
nursing and gives suggestions for specific interventions—with rationale—to
address particular behaviours.
978-1-6091-3694-9 / 408 pp / 2012 / £41.00 €49.00