Community as Partner: Theory and Practice in Nursing,
Elizabeth T. Anderson and Judith McFarlane
Providing a practical framework for professional nursing practice in the
Community as Partner
helps students and practicing nurses
develop the knowledge and skills they need to develop true partnerships with
communities. User-friendly, well written, and clearly organised, this award-
winning book focuses on the nursing process, community assessment, and the
development of community health programs.
978-1-4511-9093-9 / 408 pp / 2014 / £57.00 €68.00
Community & Public Health
Critial Care & Emergency
Critical Care Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!
1st UK Edition
Lee Cutler and Judith Cutler
This handy reference is perfect for nurses entering or needing a refresher in
critical care nursing. The book presents information on more than 100 critical
care disorders in the award-winning Incredibly Easy! style, with light-hearted
humour, memory joggers, recurring icons to emphasise key points and
numerous quick-scan tables, illustrations and flow charts. The systems-based
approach matches the UK nursing curriculum, and stresses the team-based
approach to critical care.
978-1-9018-3111-5 / 640 pp / 1200 illus / 2010 / £29.50 €35.00