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Chapter 4: Policies, Actions and Projects

Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan |


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guidelines and Universal Design


US Access Board’s Accessibility Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities in

the Public Right-of-Way: Shared Use Paths;

Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) publications; and

Other nationally and internationally recognized guides.


Provide ongoing education opportunities to City of Morgan Hill planning and

engineering staff on the planning, design, implementation and maintenance

of innovative bikeways and trails.


Include green bike lane striping at potential high-conflict intersections

following best practices and policies listed in B8-1.


Evaluate the potential to expand pathways along creeks and drainage ways.



Support General Plan Policy HC-3.14 by working in partnership with the

Santa Clara Valley Water District to establish easements and joint use

agreements and to develop trails and linear parks along creeks and

drainage channels.

Relevant Sites

Llagas Creek west of Silveira to Santa Teresa;

Madrone Channel trail;

The trails at Silveira to incorporate desired community uses;

The loop trail and usable open space at San Pedro Percolation Ponds

as a loop trail and usable open space;

The northern extension of the Little Llagas Creek Trail from Spring

Ave to W Main Ave, per General Plan Policy TR-8.8;