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Conventional wisdom says the

panels should be orientated

towards north in the southern

hemisphere to gain maximum

benefit from the sun’s arc. More specifically,

solar panels should be pitched between 25

and 35 degrees (approximately equal to the

site’s latitude) to allow for the most efficient

power generation.

The result, from a power production

standpoint is a true ‘bell curve’ reflecting

power increases throughout the day peaking

at midday and gradually falling again to zero

at sunset.

However, in certain circumstances it

may be advantageous to point the panels

eastwards – or westwards.

In one such instance – a grid-linked

hybrid application in Johannesburg – an

east-west orientation was found to be advan-

tageous. The motivation was the limited elec-

trical power supply from the local provider

which was unable to meet full demand at

the business facility. Another challenge

presented to the solar PV design team was

the need to reduce the aggregate electricity

cost for the facility.

An iterative evaluation process was

undertaken which focused on testing various

solar PV system configurations. The tests

initially evaluated power production from

traditionally north-facing panels. Subse-

quently, various directions were tried culmi-

nating in a convention-breaking east-west


The initial goal of the test programme

was to match energy production to the meas-

ured load profile, while the second objective

was to maximise the financial benefit.

For simulations conducted with an

equal number of panels and inverters, the

east-west configuration showed immediate

advantages as it provided power production

earlier in the day, with a slightly lower peak.

It was thus a better match for the facility’s

demand curve.

While a more advantageous match was

achieved, concerns were nevertheless raised

about the loss of yield. A number of different

angles of inclination were subsequently

tested and eventually an angle of 20 degrees

from the horizontal was chosen as the best

compromise between ‘flattening’ the produc-

tion curve and loss of yield.

That said, the east-west facing solution,

with a 20 degree inclination, showed a total

loss of yield of approximately 2,5% when

compared to the north-facing alternative.

Nevertheless, when this is compared

with the facility owner’s electricity tariff/

billing structure from power producer Eskom,

the east-west installation demonstrated the

following financial performance:

• In summer months a nett R6,50 per day

saving was achieved.

The benefits of


solar PV installations

By Bevan Jones, Soltra Energy MD

In what direction should roof-mounted solar photovoltaic

(PV) panels be sited for optimum energy production?


• In winter months a nett R8,50 per day loss

was returned.

It is noteworthy that, as the summer tariff

benefits apply for nine months of the year,

the result is an approximate R1 050 per year

additional saving over a traditional north-

facing system.

When the capital cost of the system is

considered, this is a relatively small saving

and could be considered as a ‘break-even’.

However, there are a number of other advan-

tages presented by the east-west orientated

installation. These include:

1. The lower peak output of the system

means that the inverters can be over-

panelled by approximately 10% without

any change to the inverter system or

balance of plant. In a typical rooftop

system the panels and installation

comprise 70-80% of the turnkey cost.

2. The east-west installation results in

approximately 5% lower installation

cost because the brackets and mounting

material are used more effectively.

3. The panel density on the roof can be as

much as 30% higher, allowing for a higher

yield per square metre.

When the above factors are taken into

account, it is clear that the east-west

oriented system is comparable to a north-

facing system on a ‘cost of energy’ versus

a ‘kilowatts peak (kWp) installed’ basis.

(kWp is essentially the rate at which a solar

PV installation generates energy at peak


Furthermore, when the added advan-

tages of over-panelling the inverters at a

fraction of the cost of the entire system is

maximised, and the lower cost of installation

is taken into account, an east-west orientated

installation is seen to provide significant cost

advantages over a north facing system.

One of the keys to the success of similar

installations going forward lies with their

management. Sophisticated ‘smart’ power

management solutions can now be installed

and tailored to users’ needs.

These systems will, for example, comple-

ment grid power with solar power when

necessary (at peak times), divert excess solar

power to possible battery storage for later

or after-hours use as appropriate, and fire

up a petrol or diesel generator to integrate

seamlessly into the power supply grid should

battery storage become depleted.

A range of micro smart-grid solutions

that measure the generated solar power

on a minute-by-minute basis, compare it to

current grid power availability and assess

current load states is available.

Soltra Energy technical director, Bevan Jones.