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where you are then equipped to take the fight

back to the hunters and the hunters then have

to switch tactics from being the trackers to out

and out combat – those are kind of the core

elements that have been there all the time.”

So how much experimentation was

undertaken to arrive at the 4V1 configuration?

“I think we have experimented with just about

every part of the game,” notes Boccieri. “We

took a bunch of different ideas, configurations

and concepts and the 4V1 turned out to be

the sweet spot that we eventually arrived at.

We tried many different things and for some

reason or other, they just didn’t work.”

There are four hunter classes in the game,

designed to offer specific skillsets for an

effective team-based combat unit. When one

of the components is missing – i.e, when

you’re dead – the battle against the monster

becomes harder for the remaining team

members. It’s an additional pressure that

becomes real when you’re in the heat of battle:

losing the tracker medic can be as catastrophic

as losing the medic.

Playing as the monster throws up its own

set of challenges. In the early stages of a

match, the monster’s vulnerability requires

players to adapt a specific strategy to the

situation at hand; players will concentrate

more on evade. The idea is to consume

as much wandering wildlife as possible to

‘trigger’ the three-part evolution process.

Each stage increases the monster’s strength

and abilities until you become a veritable

powerhouse, and consequently, more than

capable of taking on the hunters.

“I think that one of the things that has been

very much the intention from the beginning is

variety, and making sure that each match plays

out differently,” says Boccieri. “Giving players

different tools is definitely where we wanted

the game to be, and as part of that process,

because you’re giving so much variety, you

wind up finding that there are so many

different playstyles and opportunities.

“You’ve got the person who wants to play

alone, the people that multiplay as the team,

and even within that team there’s a variety of

different roles you can play, and even within

those roles there’s different strategies and

tactics you can use to fill those roles and help

the team with the overall goal.”

According to Boccieri, Turtle Rock Studios

has a strict policy of play testing that, he

believes, allowed good ideas to be recognised

and developed and bad suggestions swiftly

identified and binned.

“One of the things that has been part of the

Turtle Rock culture from the beginning is play

testing and rapid prototyping,” he says. “What

I mean by that is we would have an idea on

paper or in our heads and then have the ability

to rapidly build a prototype of it, get

it in the game, and test it. It isn’t

necessarily particularly pretty –

it’s purely for functionality, but

we would be able to see if it

was fun and that is the most

important thing to us.

“The game has to be fun

and balanced and we

have a number of things

in place to make sure

that’s the case. It’s a

requirement that we

play test everyday; this

isn’t anything we have

to enforce because everyone

wants to do this anyway. We also have a pretty

robust telemetry system that analyses the data

that happened in each match and then we can

use that data paired with the feedback from

the play testing to ensure that the game is

indeed super fun to play and balanced, too.”

Boccieri admits he’s a lone wolf gamer,

favouring the role of the monster in



But if he had to choose a hunter, where

would his allegiance lie?

“I do like playing as the trapper – to me

that seems like the most unique class,” he

says. “There’s a lot of other games that do

co-op that will have something like a medic,

a support tech class, and assault is obviously

a familiar role to play in a shooter.

“But the trapper is very unique and has

a lot of unique gameplay and some pretty

cool weapons and items that you won’t find

in any other type of game. I really like how

different and fresh it is.”

Evolve lands in-store at JB on Feb 10 for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.



, every match

plays out like an epic boss

battle with the difference

being, of course, that the

monster is being controlled

by a human.