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and Registry of Deeds. He visited

the registry o f f i ces on t wo

occasions and had discussions

with the management and staff

with a view to gaining a first-hand

understanding of the office and the

problems being experienced there.

While the review was not yet

completed, the Minister stated that

he had taken some steps which he

hoped would bring about some

definite improvements in the

service. Firstly, the Government had

agreed to provide money in 1990

for an additional 35 staff, 13 of

whom had already been recruited

and had taken up duty, and every

effort was being made to have the

remaining staff recruited as quickly

as possible. As a short term

measure, because the Minister

stated he was very conscious of

the backlog of work currently in the

Land Registry, some senior staff

had been diverted from other work

to help deal with cases where the

worst delays were occurring. These

measures, together w i t h the

appointment of additional staff,

should make a substantial impact

on the arrears according to the


The Minister stated that he was

pleased to inform the House that

the Government had acceded to his

request for a greater investment in

computerisation, a matter which

was highlighted by Deputy D.

Spring. In 1990 in this area of

computerisation alone there would

be an increase in expenditure in the

order of 32 per cent over 1989. A

programme of computerisation of

the abstracts in the Registry of

Deeds would start this year and

when completed this system would

provide for immediate access and

fast, accurate search facilities. The

computerisation programme in the

Registry which was already under

way would be extended consider-

ably over the comi ng years

according to the Minister. On the

matter of computerisation, the

Minister was considering a number

of alternatives to the computerisa-

tion that was being carried out

within the Registry.

The Minister stated that he had

held discussions with the newly

appointed Registrar during which

he expressed his concern about the

delays being experienced in dealing

with the Land Registry and Registry

of Deeds. The Minister asked for an

assessment of the additional steps

that needed to be taken to relieve

the arrears situation and to provide

an efficient and speedy service to

the Registry. The Minister stated

that he was expecting that res-

ponse very shortly from " t he new

lady Registrar". The Minister

assured the House, subject to

adequate finance being provided

for which he would fight very

hard as Minister for Justice, that

he would do everything he pos-

sibly could to improve the

unacceptable level of delays in the

Land Registry.


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