fContd. from p. 318)
business transactions e.g. the pur-
chase and sale of cars. In the larger
cities there exist private law firms
although nothing like on the scale
seen in the West. With the move to
a market economy under the
Shatalin 500 Day Plan and the
introduction of private property
laws however it is obvious that the
Soviet political structure and legal
system will undergo a startling
metamorphosis and increasing
numbers of civil lawyers will be
required in the new system.
On a personal note, the individual
exchanges worked very well, our
Russian partners and their families
were hospitable to the point of
embarrassment - we were com-
pletely protected from the now
endemic shortages of foodstuffs
and other basic necessities avail-
able from normal channels.
From a legal educational view
point, and more importantly, for
cultural reasons, the trip was very
interesting, made more so by its
timing in the political history of the
Soviet Union.
M e d i c a l Fees
The Irish Medical Organisation has
recently recommended an in-
creased fee structure to its mem-
bers within the context of the
existing agreement with the
Society. Unfortunately, the I.M.O.
has done this unilaterally and
without consulting the Society.
Practitioners are advised to have
regard only to that scale of
standard fees recommended for
payment to Medical Practitioners
operative from 1st January, 1987.
It should be noted that this fee
structure is a
only and from a contractual view
point it may be prudent to advise the
relevant Medical Practitioner, when
requesting his or her services that it
is intended that fees will be paid at
the 1987 agreed rate.
The Litigation Committee is con-
tinuing to negotiate with the
representatives of the Medical
Profession as a whole and with the
Insurance Federation to reach a fee
structure agreeable to all. Such a
structure should hopeully be in
place by the end of the year.
Litigation Committee
The Irish Society for European Law
Founded in 1973
The Hon. Mr. Justice Brian Walsh.
Irish Affiliate to the
Mr. Eamonn G. Hall, Solicitor
Fédération Internationale
Pour le Droit Européen (F.I.D.E.)
P R O G R A M M E FOR A U T U M N 1 9 9 0
1. Thursday, November 15, 1990:
The Hon. Mr. Justice Ronan Keane, Judge of the High Court, President of the Law Reform
Commission -
Community Law and Irish Law: A Fruitful Tension.
2 . Thursday, December 13, 1990 at 6.15p.m.
The Annual General Meeting of the Society -
To be held in the main Reception
of the European Commission
Office, 39, Moleaworth Street, Dublin 2. The meeting
will be followed by a Wine
Lectures take place at 8.15 pm at the
Kildare Street and University Club, 17 St. Stephen's
Dublin 2.
By kind permission.
Members and their guests are invited to join the Committee and guest speakers
for dinner
at the
Club at 6.15 pm on the evening of each lecture. Members intending to dine must communicate with
the Membership Secretary, Jean Fitzpatrick, Solicitor's Office, Telecom Eireann, 52, Harcourt Street,
Dublin 2. (Tel: 01-714444 Ext. 5929, Fax: 01-679 3980, Electronic Mail (Eirmail) (Dialcom) 74:
EIM076) not later than two days before the dinner, as advance notice must be given to the Club.
Membership of the Society is open to lawyers and to others interested in European Law. The current
annual subscription is £15.00 (£10.00 for students, barristers and solicitors in the first three years
of practice). Membership forms and further details may be obtained from the Membership Secretary.