FEB., 1908]
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
Solicitors' Benevolent Association.
THE Annual General Meeting of the Associa
tion was held in the Hall of the Incorporated
Law Society, Four Courts, upon the 24th
Mr. William Fry presided.
annual report of the Directors was adopted.
The Committee of Directors for 1908 were
appointed, and also the auditors of accounts.
A meeting of the Directors was held upon
15th January. Mr. William Fry in the chair.
The minutes of last meeting having been read
and confirmed, the Secretary reported having
received ^228
in annual subscriptions
since ist January.
The Secretary also reported having received
the following donations—
£10 los.
each from
Sir Benjamin Whitney and Mr. W. J. Shannon,
and a life subscription of
£10 ids,
from Mr.
Andrew G. Sloan, Portadown.
The Directors then proceeded to consider
the various cases for relief, and made grants to
four applicants, amounting in all to
£$2 ios.,
bringing the amount afforded in relief since
ist of January up to ^85 ; and after transact
ing some further routine business the meeting
A meeting of the Directors was held upon
January. Mr. William Fry in the Chair.
The minutes of last meeting having been
read and confirmed, the Secretary reported
having received since last meeting the sum of
£65 2s.,
making the total annual subscriptions
received since ist January last ^294.
Secretary also
reported having received a
donation of
£$ <-,s,
from Sir Augustine Baker.
The Directors then proceeded to consider the
various cases for relief, and made grants to
three applicants, amounting in all to ^30,
bringing the amount afforded in relief since
the ist January up to
from candidates for vacant annuity of ^15
were submitted, and it was decided that their
names be placed on the voting paper ;
after transacting some further routine business,
the meeting adjourned.
Meetings of the Directors of the Solicitors'
Benevolent Association will be held upon the
following dates :—
February 26th.
April i sth.
Irish Law Clerks' Mutual Benefit Society.
THE Annual Meeting of the above Society
was held in the Lecture Theatre, Solicitors'
Buildings, Four Courts, upon the 6th January.
Mr. George H. Lyster, President of
Incorporated Law Society, presided. The
Report of the Committee, and statement of
accounts for year ending I2th December, 1907,
were submitted and adopted. The Committee
and auditors for 1908 were appointed. The
Report states that there are now 230 members,
and that the Society has ^912
&s. id.
in the names of the Trustees, and a cash
balance of .£158
in all a
balance of
£1070 8s.
i id.
to the credit of the
Society. The Report further states that the
Register of situations is working satisfactorily.
ALL communications connected with THE
GAZETTE (other than advertisements) should
be addressed to the Secretary of the Society,
Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts, Dublin.
THE GAZETTE will accept advertisements for
sale and purchase of property, loans, securities
offered, and money for investments on mort
gages, partnerships, clerkships, and generally
such advertisements as would be of service to
the members of the Society and the Profession.
Communications as to advertisements should
be addressed to Messrs. Ponsonby, 18 Nassau
Street, Dublin.
Published by EDWARD PONSONBY, 116. Grafton Street, Dublin.