The second sub-regional workshop in
Jamaica, which was held from July 21-
22, 2015 in collaboration with WIPO,
IDB, CARICOM OTN and the Jamaica
Intellectual Property Office (JIPO),
was delivered on Branding and GIs
in the Development of Management
Strategies for OLPs. The initiative,
which saw participation from 47 SMEs,
as well as private and public sector
organisations, was designed to build
the capacity of CARIFORUM producers
to identify and develop OLPs. This
session built on the previous training
undertaken in Antigua and Barbuda,
Barbados, Belize and the Dominican
Republic, and sought to increase the
understanding and utilisation of IP
rights as a trade development tool, by
government and private sector.
Respondents from both workshops
found that the initiative met their
expectations, with the majority citing
that the sessions provided them with
the opportunity to strengthen their
awareness about the importance of
GIs and OLPs, as a part of product
diversification. Further, 94% of the
respondents provided positive ratings
for the structure, content, delivery, and
logistical aspects of the workshops.
In addition to working through various
topics under IP, GIs, OLPs, and branding,
the participants also benefitted from
networking opportunities and the
sharingof experienceswith thedifferent
stakeholder organisations presenting
and attending the workshop. To date,
under the 10th EDF RPSDP, 200 regional
firms have participated in IP training
workshops. A programme assessment
revealed that 94% of workshop participants believed that their understanding of
IP and its potential for revenue generation, export and as a trade development
tool has increased significantly.
Strengthening the Capacity of CARIFORUM BSOs
As a precursor to the implementation of theMarket Intelligence training for firms,
Caribbean Export the delivered Regional Trade Information Training Programme
(RTITP) to BSOs in 2013 and 2014. The RTITP was developed to provide these
support organisations with tools essential to the provision of market intelligence,
focusing on the development of a trade information service plan, conducting
market research and competiveness intelligence, and developing market
pointers. These organisations are now in the position to provide enhanced trade
information services to exporters and thewider private sector using awide variety
of existing tools and data sources. To date, Caribbean Export has implemented
RTITPs to thirty-six (36) BSOs across all 15 CARIFORUM countries.
Caribbean Export also delivered training in trade and business intelligence (TBI)
with the aim of building the capacity of BSOs to provide enhanced services in
this area to their members and clients. Building on the successful execution
of the RTITP, the training of trainers programme in TBI is targeted officers in
charge of business information services in TPOs, business associations and
other support organisations involved in searching, processing or disseminating
trade information. Participation in this programme not only demonstrates the
commitment of regional BSOs and TPOs in the further development their trade
and business information research skills on a personal level, but also alludes
to their willingness to continue providing regional exporters with high quality
information and the overall improvement of their information dissemination
The RTITP has had a significant impact on beneficiaries to date. Notable
achievements include the ability of participating BSOs to access trade information
efficiently, the acquisition of new technical and market research skills, and the
creation of market briefs for clients and members. BSO beneficiaries have also
trained 133 private sector clients subsequent to undertaking training in trade
information, as well as create 52 market pointers on request from members.
Additionally, 32% of the BSOs surveyed noted their contribution resulted in 53%
of their clients entering new markets.