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Mi c h a el C r e a v en (orse Cr a v e n ),

Windfield, Toomard, County Galway.

Folio: 2091(R); Townland:

Cloonavihony; Area: 12(a) 0(r) 2(p).

Co. Ga l wa y.

J o s e ph Ga f f n ey (deceased), Folio:

3063; Land: Shancurry; Area: 9(a) 2(r)

29(p). Co. Le i t r im.

De n is Mu l l a n e, Folio: 2683; Land:

Barony of Kinalea. Co. Co r k.

S u n s et Estates L t d, Folio: 1853F;

Land: Follistown; Area: 1(a) l(r) 8(p).

Co. Me a t h.

T o m a s Bruic, Folio: 13798F; Land:

Ballyganeen; Area: 0 . 5 19 acres.

Co. Ke r r y.

J o h n Kelly, Folio: 7 4 4 I F; Land:

Cartrontroy. Co. We s t me a t h.

Patrick J. Wa r d, Folio: 3626F; Land:

Derrybrack; Area: 8 0 . 0 89 acres.

Co. Le i t r im.

No el a nd L a u ra Wa l s h, Craughwell,

! Co. Galway. Folio: 3 8 4 4 I F; Land: (1)

I Treankyle (2) Ganty; Area: (1) 3 4 1 . 0 00

hectares (2) 0 . 1 52 hectares.

Co. Ga l w a y.

E d w a r d Du n n e, Folio: 7593; Land:

| Prop. 1 Clontubrid, Prop. 2 Tifeaghna;

Area: Prop. 1 56(a) 3(r) 10(p), Prop. 2

16(a) 0(r) 20(p). Co. K i l k e nn y.

Ma r t in Mulvihill, Folio: 33218; Land:

Astee West; Area: Prop. 1 76(a) 3(r)

l(p), Prop. 2 2(a) 3(r) 32(p).

Co. Ke r r y.


K e n n y, S e amu s, deceased, late of Main

Street, Oughterard, Co. Galway. Would

any person having knowledge of the

whereabouts of a will executed by the

above named deceased who died on 7

February 1996, please contact

Mclnerney Solicitors, Cleggan House,

4 6 Eyre Square, Galway. Telephone

0 9 1 - 5 6 6 5 2 1 / 5 6 6 5 29 and Fax: 0 9 1-

5 6 6 5 3 9.

D r a d d y, De n i s, deceased. Anybody

having any knowledge of the

whereabouts of the last will of the late

Denis Draddy please contact Eoin C.

Daly & Company, Solicitors, 38 South

Mall, Cork. Telephone: 0 2 1 - 2 7 5 2 44

(Ref. E l 7 ).

B l o o d smy t h, Wh i t t on Wi l l i am (Billy),

late of Basement Flat, 219 Clontarf

Road, Clontarf, Dublin and "Creevelea"

Nursing Home, Laytown, Co. Meath,

Solicitor, deceased. Will any person

knowing the whereabouts of any will

made by the above named deceased,

contact P.C. Moore & Company,

Solicitors, 17 South Great Georges

Street, Dublin 2. Telephone: 677 7333;

Fax: 677 7050. Ref. B0 0 7 1 4 / 1 / CM.

Colligan, J o h n, deceased, late of

Lagan, Kilglass, Co. Roscommon.

Would any person holding a will for

the above named deceased, please

contact Timothy J.C. O ' Ke e f fe &

Company, Solicitors, Abbey Street,


Mu r p h y, Ar t h u r, deceased, late of 8

Glenaulin Drive, Chapelizod, Co.

Dublin. Would any person having

knowledge of a will made by the above

deceased who died on 25 December

1995, please contact Gill Traynor,

Solicitors, 23 South Frederick Street,

Dublin 2. Telephone: 677 8738; Fax:

677 8748.

Mc Sw e e n e y, J o h n, deceased, late of

Barrack Street, Castleisland, in the

County of Kerry. Would any person

having any knowledge of a will

executed by the above named deceased

who died on 26 April 1994, please

contact Lyons & Galvin, Solicitors, 18

Ashe Street, Tralee, Co. Kerry.

Telephone: 0 6 6 - 2 2 7 6 4; Fax: 0 6 6 - 2 6 7 5 6.

Ly n c h, T h oma s, (otherwise k n o wn as

T ommy ), deceased, late of Shinon,

Bailieboro Road, Shercock, County

Cavan. Would any person having

knowledge of a will executed by the

above named deceased who died on 24

November 1995, please contact Martin

P. Crilly, Solicitor, 7 Main Street,

Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan.

Telephone: 0 4 2 - 6 1 9 5 7; Fax: 0 4 2 - 6 1 7 7 5.

By r n e, J e f f r ey Carl Da v i d, deceased,

i late of Glena Lodge, 4 4 0 Howth Road,

Raheny, Dublin 5. Would any person

having knowledge of a will executed by

the above named deceased, who died on

12 No v emb er 1995, please contact

Brian Lynch & Associates, Solicitors, 4

The Courthouse Square, Galway.

Telephone: 0 9 1 - 5 6 3 1 3 1; Fax: 091-


Do l a n, J ame s, late of Tennalick,

Colehill, Co. Longford. Would any

person having knowledge of a will

executed by the above named deceased

who died on 16 February 1996, please

contact Connellan Solicitors, Church

Street, Longford, Co. Longford.

Telephone: 0 4 3 - 4 6 4 4 0.

O ' R a w, Esther, deceased, late of

Easkey, County Sligo. Would any

person having knowledge of a will

executed by the above named deceased

who died on 9 October 1995, please

contact Bourke Carrigg & Loftus,

Solicitors, Teeling Street, Ballina,

Co Mayo. Telephone: 0 9 6 - 2 1 4 5 5; Fax:

096-22336. Reference: PL/PMH/P.458.

O ' Ca l l a g h a n, S h a un (otherwise S e an

o t h e rw i se J o hn ), deceased, late of 50

Murtagh Road, off Manor Place, Dublin

7. Would any person having knowledge

of a will made by the above named

deceased who died on 20 February

1996, please contact Sean E. McDonnell

& Company, Solicitors, 24 Upper

Rathmines Road, Dublin 6. (Ref. MD )

Crotty, Patrick, deceased, late of 36

Crosse Avenue, Blackrock, Co. Dublin

or The Square, Kilrush, Co. Clare.

Would any person having knowledge of

a will made by the above named

deceased, please advise McMa h on &

Williams, Solicitors, Kilrush,

Co. Clare.

B r own e, Ma r y E., deceased, late of

16 Grosvenor Court, Templeville Road,

Templeogue, Dublin 12. Would any

person having knowledge of the

whereabouts of an original will made by

the above named deceased on 29 April

1982 who died on 4 May 1982, please

contact Donal T. McAu l i f fe & Co.,

Solicitors, 57 Merrion Square, Dublin 2.

Telephone: 6 76 1283/676 1297; Fax:

661 9459.

No l a n, Delia, deceased, late of 12

Belvedere Place, Dublin. Would any

person having any knowledge of a will

executed by the above named deceased

wh o died on 9 December 1995, please