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every month. Legal aid available to

clients that qualify. Contact David

L e v e ne & Co., A s h l ey House, 2 3 5 - 2 39

High Road, Wo o d Green, London N 2 2

4HF, England. Telephone: 0 0 4 4 - 1 8 1-

881 7 7 7 7; Fax: 0 0 4 4 - 1 81 - 8 89 6 3 95

and Bank Ho u s e, Cherry Street,

Birmingham, B 2 5 AL Tel: 0 0 4 4 121

6 3 3 3 2 0 0; Fax: 0 0 4 4 - 1 2 1 - 6 33 4 3 4 4.

C o mm e r c i al a n d Re s i d e n t i al

P r o p e r ty W o r k in E n g l a nd a n d

Wa l e s. London solicitors offer a

c omp l e te range of competitively

priced legal services for commercial

acquisitions and disposals, landlord

and tenant matters, residential

c o n v e y a n c i ng and residential

tenancies. Contact Helen Go d s on at

Da v id L e v e ne & Co., A s h l ey House,


2 3 5 - 2 39 High Road, Wo od Green,

London N 2 2 4HF, England.

Telephone: 0 0 4 4 - 1 8 1 - 8 81 7 7 7 7, Fax:

0 0 4 4 - 1 8 1 - 8 89 6 3 9 5.

A g e n t s - E n g l a nd a n d Wa l e s. We are

willing to act as agents for Irish

solicitors in civil and criminal

I litigation. Contact: Olliers, Solicitors,


! Alderman Downwa rd House, 2/3 The

Birtles, Civic Centre, Wy t h e n s h awe,

J Manchester M2 2 5RF. Telephone:

: 0 0 4 4 - 1 6 1 - 4 37 0 5 2 7; Facsimile: 0 0 4 4-

! 1 6 1 - 4 37 3 2 2 5.

N o r t h e rn I r e l a nd S o l i c i t o r s. Will


advise and undertake N.I. related

matters. All areas Corporate/Private.

! Ag e n cy or full referral of cases as

preferred. Consultations in Dublin or


| e l s ewh e re if required. Fee Sharing


| envisaged. Do nn e l ly Neary &

j Do nn e l l y, 1 Down s h i re Road, Newr y,

I Co. D o wn, Telephone: 0 8 0 1 - 6 9 3-

; 6 4 6 1 1, Fax: 0 8 0 1 - 6 9 3 - 6 7 0 0 0.

Contact K J Neary.

L o n d o n We s t E n d Solicitors will

advise and undertake UK related


matters. All areas - corporate/private

client. Resident Irish solicitor.

Reciprocal arrangement and fee

sharing envisaged. Ag e n cy work also.

Contact: Ellis & Fairbairn, 26 Old

Brompton Road, South Kensington,

London SW7 3DL. Tel: 0 0 4 4 - 1 7 1-

5 89 0141

Fax: 0 0 4 4 - 1 7 1 - 2 25 3935.

Overhead Sharing

Me r r i on S q u a r e: 1,000 sq. ft. of

good quality office accommodation

in this prime location. Potential to

share reception, photocopying

facilities etc.

Pa r t - t ime Solicitor, with small

client base requires small office with

shared facilities.

Dub l in 8, Office with shared

consultation room, reception,

photocopying etc.

Mo u nt Street, Two rooms available

with shared reception and secretarial


Du b l in 1: One small and one

medium sized office (110 sq. ft.)

available. Sharing of reception,

telephone, fax facilities etc.

Du b l in 4: One large office available

with shared support facilities.

Dub l in 2: One office, 3 00 sq. ft.,

available with possible sharing of

reception/secretarial facilities.

Co n t a c t: Solicitor L i nk, T h e L aw

Society, Blackhall Place, Dub l in 7.

Ph o n e: 671 0711.

Practice For Sale

West of Ireland:

Sole practitioner selling practice,

will consider complete retirement or

other arrangement.


Solicitor Link, The Law Society,

Blackhall Place, Dublin 7.

Ph. 671 0711

Practice For Sale

Thriving solicitor's practice in


properous expanding town, 40


minutes fromDublin City Centre,


owner retiring. Long established, very |

substantial client base and fee income. j

Responses, in confidence, in writing to: j

Solicitor Link, The Law Society,


Blackhall Place, Dublin 7.

Ph. 671 0711

Small/Medium Sized Firm,

Merrion Square area, has space

available for similar sized firm, or

sole practitioners, with a view to

cost saving, association or

eventual amalgamation. Reply to:

M/S Ormsby & Rhodes,

Accountants, 56 Lansdowne Road,

Dublin 4. (FAO Neil Payne).

Me d i a t o rs I n s t i t u te I r e l a nd draws

your attention to the list of accredited

Practitioner Memb e rs in the 1996 Law

Directory, pages 6 2 4 - 6 2 5. M i l 's

telephone number is 0 1 - 2 84 5 2 77 and

fax. is 0 1 - 2 80 0 2 5 9.

A t t e n t i on Law graduates, study in

Ireland to qualify as attorney - 10/12

we ek American Bar R e v i ew Courses

licensed from We st Publishing Co.

U S A . For info. Call 0 1 - 4 54 8 1 3 4.

H o u s e to L et - Na v an Road Area.

Detached 3 Bedroo (1 En-Suite) Gas

C.H./Furnished/All Mod Cons. Please

Tel: 8 3 8 9 2 8 8 / 8 3 8 0 6 9 2.


N e w Z e a l a nd trained solicitor. 4 years

litigation experience. S e e ks legal

executive position. Any location

considered. Contact Sarah Johnson, 2 2 |

Cheltenham Wa y, Southport PR8 5NP.

Mi c h a el C o l eman F I P AV Legal Exec.

& Auctioneer. Dip. Legal Studies. Cert.

Family Law. As s oc Member Fam.

Lawyers Assoc. Attendance on your

behalf in Criminal Courts etc. Prison

Visits. Family Law Courts. Special

Service re Family Law property sales,

Ward of Court sales, inventories etc. 23

Lavarna Road, Terenure, Dublin 6W.

Tel/Fax 0 1 - 4 90 9923.

Ap p r e n t i c e s h ip s o u g ht by law

graduate. Professional Course

completed. Energetic and hardworking.

Telephone Conor at 0 6 5 - 4 0 9 3 3.

Solicitor with extensive experience in

all aspects of conveyancing and probate

seeks full-time or part-time position in

Dublin area. Reply B ox No. 31.


S o l i c i t or recently returned to this


country. 18 years' experience,


languages, experience in EU law,

seeks preferably long term

emp l o yme nt Dublin area if possible,

but not essential. Reply B o x No. 32.

S o l i c i t o r, former sole practitioner,

with general e xp e r i e n ce and client-

base g o o dw i l l, s e e ks position as

Assistant, Dublin area. Please phone

8 3 8 - 9 7 5 6.