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JULY 1996

In-House Solicitors - Newsbrief

This Newsbrief is intended for in-

house solicitors (including Local

Authority solicitors, solicitors in the

Chief State Solicitors Office and other

Government departments)

Directory Project

In the Newsbrief item in the last

edition of the


I explained that

one of the important objectives of the

corporate committee this year, is to

compile a directory of solicitors in the

sector, to include solicitors in the

; Chief State Solicitors Office, other

Government departments, the Legal

Aid Board and the Local Authorities.

The first step is to compile the

necessary data and for this we need

the co-operation of all the solicitors in

the sector.

A simple questionnaire will be sent to

you within the next few weeks. This

will take just a few minutes of your

i time to complete. When completed the

! questionnaire should be returned to:

Therese Clarke,

The Law Society of Ireland,

Blackhall Place,

Dublin 7.

A second copy of the questionnaire

will also be included and I would ask

you to pass this to a solicitor

colleague who may not be on our

mailing list. We are aware that our list

is not yet comprehensive.

If you, your organisation, or others,

i wish to take advantage of the

! opportunity to advertise in the

directory to solicitors in the sector or

their employers, you should also


Therese Clarke

for further


The committee members are of the

opinion that the directory will have a

usefulness beyond simply being a

directory. It will greatly assist

networking within the sector both for

professional information and support

information. It will also be useful for

solicitors contemplating employment

in the sector and for employers

seeking talented solicitors to employ!

I believe that this directory project is

an important step in marking the

identity of the sector.

Formation of Association

In the next edition of the



hope to publish the date of the

inaugural meeting of the association.

As promised, we will also be

circulating the draft constitution

before that date and canvassing your

views on possible structures for the

association and elections to the

Association Council.

Solicitors commencing employment

in the sector

The move from private practice to the

very different cultures of the public

service and corporate worlds can be

difficult. Another important project

for the committee this year is to

compile a brochure for solicitors

commencing employment in the

sector. The committee members are

drawing on their own experiences in

making the transfer, to ensure that the

brochure adequately addresses the

important issues.

If you have also encountered

particular problems in making this

transfer, please let us know, so that

new entrants to the sector can be



Some Irish solicitors attended the

"In-House Counsel Event 1996"

organised by Euroforum and held in

London in June.

Detailed of two upcoming seminars

are as follows:-

1. "Successful Management of In-

House Legal Services"

29 to 30 October, 1996, St. James

Court Hotel, London.


For a brochure


0044 171 242 2324.


0044 171 242 2320


This conference " seeks to

assist the achievement of best

practice in legal departments, by

understanding and applying

successful management

strategies". The speaker panel

includes fifteen heads of in-house

legal services in the UK.


; 2. "How to Develop and Enhance the


In-House Capability"

This is a one day forum to be held

on 19 September, 1996 at The

Strand Palace Hotel, London.

The conference will "....explore

the in-house legal department's

internal and external relations


Training and development in in-

house solicitors

The use of information technology


The role for external advisers


The conduct of litigation

Media relations"

The speakers are experienced in-


house lawyers in major


For a brochure phone 0044 171

453 2708.



0044 171 257 9025




