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unlawful - Mental Treatment Act

1945, s. 207 - Constitution of Ireland

1937, Article 40.4

In the Matter of a Ward of Court

Supreme Court



O'Flaherty, Egan, Blayney and

Denham JJ) [1995] 2 ILRM 401

Right to Life - Right of self-

determination - Right to bodily

integrity - Right to privacy - Right of

competent adult to refuse medical

treatment - Right to die a natural and

dignified death - Ward of court in a

condition close to a persistent or

permanent vegetative state after

sustaining severe brain damage -

Ward kept alive by means of nutrition

and hydration supplied through a

nasogastric tube and subsequently

through a gastrostomy tube inserted

into stomach through abdomen -

Application by committee and family

of ward that medical treatment of ward

should cease so that she could die

naturally - Whether constitutional

rights of family entitled it to direct that

medical treatment should cease- -Role

of court in asserting and exercising

constitutional rights of the ward on her

behalf - Best interests of ward served

by decision to refuse all medical

treatment with the exception of that

designed to relieve pain - Constitution

of Ireland 1937, Articles 40.1, 40.3, 41


Sheila Flannery v. Margo Forbes

Dean and Ors

High Court (Costello P)

[1995] 2 ILRM 393

Bailment - Agency of necessity -

Removal of bailor's goods by third

parties with consent of bailee - Horses

taken away by the defendants - No

right to pass posession or title to third

parties - Rights and duties of a bailee -

Plaintiff entitled to return of her horses

Carna Foods and Or v. Eagle Star

Insurance Company (Ireland) Limited

High Court (McCracken J) [1995] 2

ILRM 474

Constitutional and natural justice -

Fair procedures - Insurance contract -

Whether obligation to give reasons for

cancellation and/or refusal to renew

policy - Unjust contractual term -

^Whether court should imply term


Domestic Violence Bill 1995

This Bill has been passed by Dáil

Éireann. (Cf. (1995) 13 ILT 203.)

Child Sex Tours Bill 1995

This private member's Bill, as

presented by Senator Mary Henry,

aims to make it an offence to organise

or promote travel to any place within

or without the State with the intention

of facilitating the commission of child

sexual abuse. General support for the

Bill has been expressed by the



Energy (Miscellaneous Provisions)

Act 1995

This Act was signed by the President

on 21 December 1995. (Cf. (1995) 13

ILT 203.)


Waste Bill 1995

This Bill has been amended in the

Select Committee on Finance and

General Affairs. (Cf. (1995) 13 ILT 178.)

Dumping at Sea Bill 1995

This Bill has been amended in the

Select Committee on Enterprise and

Economic Strategy. (Cf. (1995) 13 ILT



Maintenance Act 1994 (Commence-

ment) Order 1995 (SI No. 288 of 1995)

This Order fixes 25 November 1995

as the date on which the Maintenance

Act 1995 comes into operation. On

that date, the Convention on the

Recovery Abroad of Maintenance

Payments (done at New York on 20

June 1956) will enter into force

between Ireland and certain, specified


Southern Health Board v. An Bord


High Court (Costello P)

[1995] 2 ILRM 369

Adoption - Natural parents members

of travelling community - Child

suffering physical and psychological

injury as a result of abuse - Child put

into foster care and made the subject

of fit persons orders - Application by

foster parents to adopt child -

Whether natural parents abandoned

their parental rights - Whether

proposd adoption in the child's best

interests - Adoption Act 1988, ss. 2,



Sea Fisheries (Driftnet) Order 1995

(SI No. 262 of 1995)

The effect of this Order is to prohibit

all vessels fishing within Irish waters,

or a person on board any such vessel,

to have one or more driftnets which

have a total length of two and a half

kilometres. The Order came into

operation on 29 September 1995


Irish Medicines Board Act 1995 (No.

29 of 1995)

This Act was signed by the President

on 15 November 1995. (Cf. (1995) 13

ILT 203.)

Voluntary Health Insurance (Amend-

ment) Bill 1995

This Bill has been amended in the

Select Committee on Social Affairs.

(Cf. (1995) 13 ILT 306.)