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Article 41 of the Constitution -

Constitutional process by which the

Constitution can be amended -

Whether government has any role in

the submission of a proposal to the

decision of the people - Whether

government in publishing information"

relating to proposal and in requesting

voters to vote for proposal was

exercising executive power of the

State - Whether Government entitled

to use public monies to advocate a

particular outcome of Referendum -

Separation of powers - Jurisdiction of

court to review decisions relating to

the expenditure of public monies -

Whether use of public funds in

referendum campaign which was

designed to influence voters in favour

of proposal was an interference with

the democratic process and the

concept of equal ity - Referendum Act

1994, ss. 3(1), 23 - Constitution of

Ireland 1937, Articles 6, 15, 28, 40.1,






Commissioners, I reland and the

Attorney General High Court

(Costello P) [1996J 1 ILRM 122

Property R.ights - Protection of property

rights against unjust attack - Revenue

staMe - Validity - Withoiding of income

tax - Method of collection - Alteration

- Permanent provision to remedy

transitional problem - Principle of

Proportionality - Finance Act 1987,

s. 18(2) - Finance Act 1990, s. 26(1)

- Constitution of Ireland 1937,

Article 40.3.20

Paul Rock v. Ireland, the Attorney

General and the Director of Public

Prosecutions High Court (Murphy


10 November 1995

Judicial review - Inferences could be

drawn from accused's failure

to explain reason for posession of

object - Whether this abridged

accused's right to si lence - Whether

right to silence protected under

Constitution - Whether such right at

trial extended to suspect in custody -

Whether doctrine of proportionality

could be applied to constitutional

rights - Constitution of Ireland 1937,

Art. 38 - Criminal Justice Act 1984,

ss. 4, 18, 19 - Forgery Act 1913, s. 8

- Offences Against the State Act 1939,

ss. 24, 52


Parkarran v. M. & .P Construction

High Court (Morris


9 November



Motion to stay

proceedings - Plaintiff and defendant

entering into contract - Contract

containing arbitration clause

Plaintiff terminating contract due to

alleged fundamental breach of

defendant - Plaintiff initiating action

for damages for breach of contract -

Defendant's motion to stay proc–

eedings - Whether defendant entitled

to rely on arbitration clause -

Arbitration Act 1980, s. 5


Domestic Violence Act 1996

This Act came into effect on 27 March

1996 by Commencement Order. (Cf.

(1995) 13 ILT 203.)

Prosecution of Offences and

Punishment of Crimes Bill 1996


private member's Bill, as

introduced by Ms


O'Donnell, TO,

aims to make provision for wide–

ranging changes in the law relating to

the prosecution of offences, criminal

procedure in relation to accused

persons, the extent of the right to

silence, bail, control and management

of the prison system, sentencing and

the law relating to pardons, remissions

and temporary release. Among the

changes which the Bill proposes to

make are. the establishment of a

unified prosecution service; allowing

the courts to require a bailsman to

become surety for the good behaviour

of the accused while on bail on pain

of estreatment of the bail money;

allowing the DPP or Attorney General

to direct that a person be sent forward





examination; the abolition of the

existing rule that no guilty inference

can be drawn from the silence of a

suspect in circumstances where he

fails to mention any fact relied on in

his defence at the time that he is

charged or at a time at which he might

reasonably be expected to have

mentioned it; the abol ition of the

distinction between penal servitude

and imprisonment; providing for the

imposition of partly suspended

sentences; and, the introduction of the

power whereby a Court, in imposing a

mandatory life sentence, may

recommend a minimum period to be

served by the accused.

The People (DPP) v.


R. (Carney



December 1995

Sentence - Rape - Indecent assault -

Sexual assault - Unlawful carnal

knowledge - Accused pleading guilty

- Sentencing principles to be applied

- Whether sentence of imprisonment

for life may be imposed


APRIL / MAY 1996



of Anti-Personnel

Landmines Bill 1996


private member's Bill, as

introduced by Mr 'Raphael P. Burke,

TD, aims to prohibit within the State

the production, procurement, transfer,

sale, repair stockpiling, importation

and use of anti-personnel landmines.


Protection of Young Persons

(Employment) Bill 1996

This Bill has been amended in the

Select Committee on Enterprise and

Economic Strategy (Cf. (1996) 14 ILT


Civil Service Regulation (Amend–

ment) Bill 1996

This Bill, as presented by the Minister

for Finance, aims to repeal s. 11 of the

Civil Service Regulation Act 1956 (as

amended by s.


of the Civil Service

(Employment of Married Women) Act

1973) which provides for the re–

admission to the Civil Service of

certain women who retired from it for

the purposes of, on or following



Mary Lynch v. Moira Burke and Or

Supreme Court (Hamilton


O'Flaherty, Egan, BLayney and



[1996] 1 ILRM 114

Joint deposit receipt - Bank account

opened in joint names of aunt and

neice - Monies lodged into account

by aunt - Account subject to direction

that monies payable to aunt only or to

survivor - Intention of aunt to benefit

neice - Whether establ ishment of

account amounted to an imperfect gift

- Whether neice beneficially entitled

to monies on death of aunt or held

legal title to

chose in action

under an

implied or resulting trust for the

benefit of aunt's estate - Existence of

contract as between bank and persons

named as joint account holders -

Terms of contract - Intention to

confer beneficial interest in

chose in







(Commencement) Order 1996 (SI

No. 46 of 1996)

This Order fixes 1 August 1996 as the

date on which the Family Law Act

1995 will come into operation.