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domiciled company - Jurisdiction of

Irish High Court to hear action against

French company - Proceedings issued

pursuant to Jurisdiction Convention -

Whether proceedings should have

been issued pursuant to Collision

Convention - French Company sued'

along with Irish domiciled crew

member who was on watch -

Whether such tactic merely a device

to enable the French company to be

joined as a party to the action -

International Convention on Certain

Rules Concerning Civil Jurisdiction in

Matters of Collision 1952, articles

1 (1), 3(3) - Convention on Jurisdcition

and the Enforcement of Judgments in

Civil and Commercial Matters 1968,

articles 2, 6(1), 57 - Jurisdiction of

Courts and Enforcement of Judgments

(European Communities) Act 1988,

Schedule 1 - Jurisdiction of Courts

(Maritime Conventions) Act 1989

P.B. v. A. L. High Court (Costello P)

[1996] 1 ILRM 154

Evidence - Privilege - Discovery -

Subpoena duces tecum served on

Adoption Board - Whether board

could claim privilege in respect of its

documents and records - Adoption

Act 1976, s. 8

Clare County Council v. Gerard

Mahon and Or High Court (Carroll J)

17 October 1995

Claim for arrears of water rates -

Plaintiff unsuccessful in previous case

where different defendant relied on

charitable trust established in 1877 -

Defendants in present case sought to

rely on rights under same trust -

Whether there was issue estoppel

between parties - Whether mutuality

between parties - Whether court in

district appeal had jurisdiction to give

judgment which would act as estoppel

- Whether previous judgment was

judgment in rem - Whether previous

judgment could affect plaintiff's

statutory duty to collect rates -

Whether previous judgment prevented

plaintiff's submission on statutory

interpretation - Local Government

(Financial Provisions) (No. 2) Act

1983, s. 8

Stanley Bell v. Winfried Pederson and

Or High Court (Kinlen )) 29 May


Amendment of pleadings - Plaintiff's

proceedings for defamation - Plea

that defamatory words published to

four persons - Defence plea that pub-

lication to one person privileged -

Application to amend defance by

pleading privilege in respect of all four

persons - Whether amendment

should be allowed—Rules of the

Superior Courts 1986, O. 28, r. 1

Martin V. Ferris v. Michael Ward


Ward's Wholesale Meats v. Martin V.

Ferris Supreme Court 7 November


Application for interlocutory relief -

Whether court should resolve conflict

of fact and difficult issues of law at

interlocutory stage - Assignment of

guarantee - Whether purchaser of

guarantee had also acquired debt

secured by guarantee - Whether right

to guarantee could be enforced when

right to call on debtor vested in third


Woodfab Ltd v. Coillte Teoranta and

Or High Court (Flood J) 11 August


Discovery - Competition law -

Application for further and better

discovery - Principle applicable -

Which document related to 'any

matter in question in the action' -

Whether category of documents to be

produced was confined to those

which would be evidence of matter in


Carmen Proetta v. Andrew


High Court (Murphy J) 17 November


Security for costs - Neither party

residing in the State - Plaintiff

residing in Spain and a Spanish

national - Effect of the Treaty of

Rome - Discrimination on grounds of

nationality prohibited - Defendant's

claim for security for costs dismissed -

Rules of the Superior Courts 1986, O.

29, r. 1 - Treaty of Rome, Article 7

Joseph Byrne v. Irish Transport and

General Workers' Union High Court

(Morris J) 30 November 1995

Notice of motion - Dismissal for want

of prosecution - No explanation for

delay of four years - Discretion of

court - Principles to be applied -

Whether there was inordinate delay -

Whether defendant prejudiced by

continuation of prosecution - Unfair

Dismissals Act 1977 - Rules of the

Superior Courts 1986


Terence Doran and Or v. Michael J.

Delaney and Company and Ors High

Court (Hamilton CJ) 12 September


Contract for sale of land - Planning

permission covered land not owned

by vendor - Remainder of area

landlocked - Dispute with adjoining

landowner prior to sale - Dispute not

disclosed at sale - Misrepresentation -

Claim for damages


Refugee Bill 1995

This Bill has been amended in the

Select Committee on Legislation and

Security. (Cf. (1995) 13 ILT 307.)


Social Welfare Bill 1996

This Bill aims to provide for increases

in the rates of social insurance and

social assistance payments and other

variations in the social welfare system.


Finance Act 1994 (Designation of

Urban Renewal Areas) Order 1996

(SI No. 55 of 1996)

This Order declares certain areas in

Bray, Clonmel, Cobh, Cork, Dublin,

Sligo, Tralee and Wexford to be

designated areas for the purposes of

incentive tax reliefs for urban renewal

provided for in the Finance Act 1994.

With respect to these areas the

qualifying period for the purposes of

s.38(1) of the Act shall be from 1

August 1994 to 31 July 1997.

Finance Act 1987 (Designation of

Urban Renewal Areas) Order 1996

(SI No. 56 of 1996)

This Order declares a certain area to

be part of the Custom House Docks

Area for the purposes of incentive tax

reliefs for urban renewal provided for

in the Finance Act 1986. With respect

to these areas the qualifying period for

the purposes of s.41 of the Act shall be

from 21 June 1994 to 24 January






Licensing)(Amendment) Order 1996

(SI No. 50 of 1996)

This Order updates, clarifies and,

where appropriate, prescribes the

technical requirements: for the grant

and renewal of various pilot licences

and ratings; and , for the logging and

crediting of flight time. They abolish

the requirement for the senior

commercial pilot licence (setting out

the transitional arrangements for such

abolition) and extend the duration of

validity of the airline transport licence

to 12 months for licence holders

under 40 uears of age. The Order will

come into operation on 1 June 1996.