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JUNE 1996



Compiled by DAVID BOYLE


Irish Steel Limited Act 1996 (No. 8 of


This Act was signed by the President on

30 April 1996. (Cf. (1996) 14 ILT 128.)

Irish Steel Limited Act 1996 (Section

9)(Commencement) Order 1996 (SI

No. 153 of 1996)

This Order brings s. 9 "of the Irish Steel

Limited Act 1996 into operation with

effect from 30 May 1996.

Harbours Bill 1995

This Bill has been passed by both

Houses of the Oireachtas. (Cf. (1995)

13 ILT 176.)

Metrology Bill 1996

This Bill has been amended in the

Select Committee on Enterprise and

Economic Strategy. (Cf. (1996) 14 ILT


An Bord Bia (Amendment) Bill 1996

This private member's Bill, as presented

by Senator Maurice Manning, aims to

increase the membership of the Bord

and its subsidiary boards and to provide

that one ordinary member of each shall

be appointed on the nomination of an

organisation which the Minister

considers to be representative of


Statistics (Census of Population) Order

1996 (SI No. 91 of 1996)

This Order specifies the information to

be obtained and persons to be included

in the census which took place on 28

April 1996.


European Communities (Trade in

Certain Animal Products) Regulations

1996 (SI No. 102 of 1996)

These Regulations implement Council

Directive 92/118/EEC (of 17 December

1992) laying down animal health and

public health requirements for products

not subject to such requirements laid

down in other specific Community


They also: provide tor the

appointment of authorised officers by

the Minister; lay down the powers

which may be exercised by such

officers; and establish offences in the







The Regulations came

into operation on 15 April 1996.

Bovine Tuberculosis (Attestation of the

State and General Provisions) Order

1996 (SI No. 103 of 1996)

This Order obliges herdowners to

attach ear-tags to bovine animals born

within their herds within 30 days of

birth or, in any event, before they are

moved from a holding. It also requires

them to complete certain details on the

cattle identity cards within a certain

period. The Minister is authorised to

issue ear-tags and identity cards for this

purpose and to supply a herd identifier

to each herdowner for the purposes of

such identification.

Herdowners are

further required to replace any ear-tag

attached to an animal under the Order

which has become illegible or which

has been lost. The Order came into

operation on 15 April 1996.

European Communities (Registration of

Bovine Animals) Regulations 1996 (SI

No. 104 of 1996)

These Regulations implement Council

Directive 92/102/EEC and Council

Regulation (EEC) 3508/92 insofar as

they relate to the registration and

recording of bovine animals.


require herdowners to register the births

of all bovine animals in their herds

within a period of seven days from the

date of identification. They also require

all herdowners to keep registers of the

cattle present in their herds. The

Regulations came into operation on 15

April 1996.

Abbatoirs (Control of Designated

Bovine Offal) Regulations 1996 (SI No.

106 of 1996)

These Regulations control the use of

designated bovine offal which must be





slaughterhouse or abhatoir and be kept

separate from other meat and edible

offal. It must then either be utilised

under a licence issued by the Minister

for Agriculture, Food and Forestry or be

disposed of following rendering. The

Regulations came into operation on 22

April 1996.

European Communities (Trade in

Bovine Breeding Animals, their Semen,

Ova and Embryos) Regulations 1996

(SI No. 112 of 1996)

These Regulations implement (as far as






concerned) the provisions of Council

Directives 77/504/EEC and 94/28/EC.

They make the posession of illegally

imported semen, ova or embryos of the

bovine species an offence and make

certain other provisions with regard to

importation of such items.


Control of Horses Bill 1996

This Bill, as presented by Mr Jimmy

Deenihan, TD, Minister of State at the

Department of Agriculture, Food and

Forestry, aims to control wandering

horses in urban areas. Among its





declaration by local authorities of

control areas where horses may not be

kept without licences; the granting of

such licences subject to compliance

with conditions to be set out in bye-

laws; disqualification from keeping a

horse or obtaining a licence; a ban on

the sale of horses to minors under 16

years; the seizure, detention and

disposal of stray, unlicenced or

unidentifiable horses which are causing

a nuisance or posing a danger; criminal

liability for for injury or damage caused

by horses; and relevant powers of

enforcement for the Garda Siochana.


Consumer Credit Act 1995 (Commence-

ment) Order 1996 (SI No. 121 of 1996)

This Order brought the Consumer

Credit Act 1995 (with the exception of

s. 54(3)) into force on 13 May 1996.

Consumer Credit Act 1995 (Section 2)

Regulations 1996 (SI No. 127 of 1996)

These Regulations amend the definition

of 'credit institutions' and 'mortgage

lender' in the Consumer Credit Act

1995 (Section 36) Regulations 1996 (SI

No. 128 of 1996). These regulations

replace the form of notice set out in Part

I of the Third Schedule to the Consumer

Credit Ac t 1995 with an amended


Consumer Credit Act 1995 (Section 37)

Regulations 1996 (SI No. 129 of 1996)

These Regulations make clear that the

references in ss. 31(2)(a) and 35(1 Ma) of

the Consumer Credit Act 1995


'credit limit' are references to the credit

limit available at the commencement of

the agreement. The conditions under