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JULY 1996

trial or scientific purposes or for work

on varietal selections. The Regulations

came into operation on 10 May 1996.


Pensions (Amendment) Bill 1995

This Bill has been amended in the

Select Committee on Social Affairs. (Cf.

(1996) 14 ILT 27.)

Social Welfare (No. 2) Act 1995

(Section 10(3)) (Commecement) Order

1996 (SI No. 94 of 1996)

This Order brings s. 10(3) of the Social

Welfare (No. 2) Act 1995 into operation

with effect from 5 April 1996. This

section provides for regulatory powers

for determining the circumstances in

which a person is or is not to be

regarded as wholly or mainly

maintaining another person.

Social Welfare (Consolidated Payments

Provisions)(Amendment) Regulations

1996 (SI No. 95 of 1996)

These Regulations set out three sets of

circumstances in which a person will

be regarded as wholly or mainly

maintaining another person for the

purposes of the Social Welfare Acts.

The Regulations apply to claims made

on or after 5 April 1996.

Social Welfare (Consolidated Payments


(No. 2)

Regulations 1996 (SI No. 96 of 1996)

These Regulations provide for the

exemption of the first £2,000 of income

per year from the Rural Environment

Scheme in the assessment of means for




retirement allowance and old-age (non-

contributory) pension.




Allowances Regulations 1996 (SI No.

165 of 1996)

These Regulations consolidate the

provisions governing the payment of




allowance under s. 69 of the Health Act

1970 and provide for increases in the

rates of allowances payable as

anounced in the 1996 budget. The

Regulations came into operation on 5

June 1996.


Finance Act 1996 (No. 9 of 1996)

This Act was signed by the President on

15 May 1996. (Cf. (1996) 14 ILT 1 31.)

Capital Gains Tax (Multipliers) (1996-

97) Regulations 1996 (SI No. 149 of






multipliers to be used in calculating the

capital gains tax payable on the

disposal of an asset in the year of

assessment 1996-97.

^Income Tax (Relevant Contracts)

Regulations 1996 (SI No. 163 of 1996)

These Regulations amend the Income

Tax (Relevant Contracts) Regulations

1971 to 1993 to provide: for the

deletion of regulation 9 of the 1971

Regulations, which deals with groups of

sub-contractors consequent on the

enactment of the Finance Act 1996; that

before entering into a relevant contract,

both principal contractors and sub-

contractors must make a joint

declaration to the effect that they are

satisfied that the contract they are about

to enter is not a contract of

employment; and that sub-contractors'

dates of birth and tax reference

numbers must, in future, be included on

documents used in the Relevant

Contract Tax Deduction Scheme. The

deletion of regulation 9 applies to

relevant contracts entered into on or

after 15 May 1996, while the other

changes have effect from 6 July 1996.


European Communities (Mobile and

Personal Communications) Regulations

1996 (SI No. 123 of 1996)

These Regulations provide for the

amendment of the exclusive privilege of

Telecom Éireann in relation to the

provision of certain telecommunications

services as prescribed in the Postal and

Telecommunications Services Act 1993

as amended by the European



Services) Regulations 1992 to exclude

the provision of mobile personal

communications systems and services

and to make provisions in relation to

the licensing of such systems and



Merchant Shipping (Liability of

Shipowners and Others) Bill 1996

This Bill has been passed by Seanad

Éireann. (Cf. (1996) 14 ILT 80.)

Transport (Dublin Light Rail) (No. 2)

Bill 1996

This Bill, as initiated by the Minister for




Communications, aims to empower the

Minister for Transport, Energy and

Communications to authorise by Order

the construction, operation and

maintenance by CIE of a light railway

system serving the Greater Dublin area.

The Bill aims,

inter alia,

to provide that*

any work carried out on foot of such

Orders will be exempted development

for the purposes of the Local




Development) Act 1963. The Bill was

passed by Dáil Éireann on 26 June


Transport (Dublin Light Rail) Bill 1996

This Bill, as presented by the Minister





Communications, has the same aims as

the Transport (Dublin Light Rail) Bill

(No. 2) 1996


but was defeated on

second stage.

Road Traffic (Construction, Equip-






(Amendment) (No. 4) Regulations 1996

(SI No. 139 of 1996)

These Regulations allow for the use of

certain vehicles or combinations of

vehicles with a laden weight not

exceeding 44,000 kilograms on

international journeys to or from an

intermodal rail terminal or a sea port in

the State, subject to certain technical

requirements in relation to the vehicles

or combinations of vehicles.


Powers of Attorney Bill 1995

This Bill has been passed by both

Houses of the Oireachtas. (Cf. (1995)

13 ILT 204.)

Brian Spencer and Ors v. Robert

Kinsella and Ors (Barron J) 12 March


Trust deed - lands used as show

grounds - not properly administered in

accordance with the trust - removal of

trustees sought - conflict of interest -

appropriate that trustees should step

down - matter adjourned to enable

administration of trust to be put on a

proper footing - Irish Land Act 1903, ss.

4, 20 - Land Act 1923, s. 69 - Land Act

1933, s. 33

Dublin Corporation v. The Ancient

Guild of Incorporated Brick and Stone

Layers and Allied Trades Union (Budd

j) 6 March 1996

Unjust enrichment - constructive trust -

CPO of part of the premises -


included sum for

restoration of facade - restoration not

carried out - no reason given -

retention of sum unconscionable and

unjust enrichment - Acquisition of Land

(Assessment of Compensation) Act

1919, ss. 2, 6 - Local Governmant

(Planning and Development) Act 1963,

s. 69 - Housing Act 1966, s. 84