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Environment Protection Agency (2015). Sierra Leone State of the Marine

Environment report 2015. Freetown, Sierra Leone.


The Environment Protection Agency-Sierra Leone (EPA-SL) wishes to

register its sincere gratitude to the Abidjan Convention, the United Nations

Development Programme, the Swedish International Development

Cooperation Agency (Sida), the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources –

Reptiles and Amphibian Program – Sierra Leone, the PetroleumDirectorate of

Sierra Leone and the Sierra Leone Maritime Administration and all those who

have contributed significantly to the preparation and the successful completion

of this report. Sincere thanks and appreciation also goes to Dr. Raymond

Johnson, Director of the Institute of Marine Biology and Oceanography

(IMBO), University of Sierra Leone (USL) for compiling the report. Credit

must go to the following individuals, Dr. Morten Sorensen, Dr. Wouter

Rommens, Dr. Anne-Cathrin Wölfl, and Dr. Peter Harris of GRID-Arendal,

Norway for their technical inputs, direction, guidance and editing of the

document; Dr. Ernest TomNdomahina, Acting Vice Chancellor and Principal,

Njala University, Dr. Reynold Johnson, Department of Geography, USL, Dr.

Salieu S. Sankoh of IMBO and Dr. Mustapha O. Thomas of the Department

of Geology, USL for their contribution to the report; to the Ministries and

Departments and Agencies for the comments and contribution and to all the

participants of the February 2014 workshop in Freetown. Last but in no way the

least, appreciation goes toMadamHaddijatou Jallow, Executive Chairperson of

the EPA-SL for her dynamic leadership and coordination of this whole exercise

as well as the dedicated staff of the EPA-SL and in particular, Mr. Lahai Samba

Keita and Mr. Paul A. Lamin etc. who facilitated communications between the

Abidjan Convention Secretariat, GRID-Arendal and the Agency.