October 2015
Little Ship Club
(Queensland Squadron)
From the editor
Good to be back after a disrupted few weeks due to
work commitments, and we’ve tried to get most of
the necessary catching-up covered in this edition.
Handling arrangements for the eNews are, for now,
unchanged through the transition to our new
Commodore and Director/Treasurer, and we hope
to have clarification following the November Board
meeting on the Director/Membership oversight.
My thanks, once again, to Karen Davy for her stellar
efforts in supporting me in this volunteer role and
for the work which both she and Past Commodore
Lyle Watkins have invested in our Club.
The template design for the new LSC website has
been approved by the Board and was displayed at the
AGM on the 11th. The new Board has been briefed
on the status of this project and we await decisions
at the November meeting to progress towards the ‘go
live’ of the new website.
At this stage, the intention is to not simply migrate
the content of the current site across to the new
design – this would be like flushing bilges across into
a new boat – and some work needs to be done in the
back end for processes like function bookings and
enquiry forms. We’ll keep you posted.
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• Hardstand facilities, service area and refit sheds
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redlandcitymarina.com.auRedland City Marina is located at: 100 Beveridge Road, Thornlands Q 4154
May 2015 Edition
Member Robert (#3111) wrote a few weeks back
to advise that the LSC has been registered with the
International Burgee Registry –
www.burgees.comThe Registry contains a wealth of information from
the newest to the oldest boating and yachting clubs
around the world.
Many of the burgees on the register provide a direct
link to their club’s home website, and makes for
interesting reading with information for young and
old boaties alike. The Registry is designed to search
by alphabetical sub-sections, so for ‘our’ LSC you will
find us adjacent to the ‘sister’ LSC of the UK.
(Members Ross and Ray were in London a couple of
months ago and sent some pix from that ‘other’ LSC.)
Deadlines for the November edition are Wednesday
18th (advertising review and bookings) and Friday
20th (photos, reports, stories and news – to me,
please). Advertising, in both the eNews and on the
new website, will be reviewed by the new Board,
Please continue to get in touch with your ideas,
stories, news and contributions – email me at
enews@littleshipclub.com.auCheers until next month, then.
Matthew Tesch