October 2015
Little Ship Club
(Queensland Squadron)
LSC eNews
Your image could be on the front
cover of the November eNews – PLUS
1,000 points credited to your Member
account to spend at the Club on your
next visit!
Theme for this month:
Simple conditions of entry: 1. Open to LSC Members only; entries must be your own original
work or that of an immediate family member. 2. Entries must be of suitable resolution / file
size to allow good reproduction at front cover size and must address the theme nominated
for the month. 3. Each Member may submit up to 3 images per month, with a maximum
file size of 2MB (single image or total email). 4. The eNews Editor’s sole decision about
the winning entry will be final and neither inducements at the bar nor any other form of
correspondence will be entered into. 5. Winner’s points will be advised separately on
publication of the next eNews. 6. Winning entry title and photographer’s name will be shown
on the cover image; if space permits in the next edition, a selection of shortlisted entries
will also be published.
Entries close Wednesday 18th November 2015
enews@littleshipclub.com.auLittle Ships Club Members
Call your LSC member Scott Inglis
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We stock all major brands of Wheels & Tyres
93-95 Redland Bay Road, Capalaba
Up, down,
lying around …
More red beacon news!
As many readers will be aware, a dredge
conducted bed-levelling work in the One
Mile this month. MSQ Notam 303(t) of 12th
October advised that the port lateral mark
in position latitude 27°29.5540’S, longitude
153°24.1900’E would be removed for the
duration and then replaced. (This position
would make it the outer of the two inshore
reds.) Unconfirmed reports along with the
accompanying pic suggested that ‘our’
peripatetic inshore red had a bit of a wobbly
moment with the disturbance of the edge of
its bank, followed by a nice lie-down on the
LSC pontoon.
LSC Members Ross and Ray
during their trip to London
and a visit to the ‘other’ LSC.
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find out more about our
UK counterpart.