Double synchronised cutting
SICA recently patented a method
for cutting plastic pipes that makes it
possible to reach higher production rates
(patent EP2008749). The machines
are designed to cut and chamfer PP,
HDPE and PVC-UP pipes performing
simultaneous double cutting cycles
For example the Duet 125 automatic
cut-off saw can reach hourly production
rates of around 2,000 pipes of 150mm
in length and sockets and more than
2,300 pipes/hour of 500mm length and
sockets. The system also guarantees the
necessary cut length precision (tolerance
of ± 1mm) thanks to the machine’s CNC
control system. This system allows
perfect synchronisation of the cutting
unit with the pipe extrusion speed and
consequent exact positioning of the unit
at the required cutting dimension. The
machines are also equipped with specific
anti-wear tools to guarantee high and
enduring quality of the cutting/chamfering
The logical control system also offers
‘on the fly’ cutting capabilities (Sica
patent EP129515), optimising the use
of the effective stroke to further increase
output in terms of the number of cuts per
hour. Equipped with an intuitive icon-
based graphic interface and a classic
production system for preset sequences
of lengths, the machine also features a
new length sequences management
system. Specifically, having entered the
basic production parameters (extrusion
speed, pipe diameter, capacity of
downstream machines) the user can
define the required production batches,
automatically optimised by the system in
order to exploit the machine’s potential to
the full.
Intelligent planning of production
sequences, in addition to the availability
of libraries in which process parameters
and user product dimensions can be
stored, result in versatility and ease of
Given the large number of cuts that
can be performed per unit of time,
the machine has been equipped with
an extra-powerful cyclone-type dust
exhausting system.
The range of automatic in-line
planetary saws in the duet series
(available in the Duet 125, Duet 160 and
Duet 200 versions) includes the Duet/K
(cutting with knife without material
removal for HDPE and PPR) and Duet/C
(cutting with chamfering unit and knife
without producing chips inside the pipe)
versions in addition to the standard
model for PVC.
– Italy
www.sica-italy.comCutting heavy ID scarf
GEBRÜDER Lennartz GmbH & Co
KG, based in Germany, specialises
in the manufacture and supply of
carbide-tipped circular saw blades for
the ferrous and non-ferrous industry. It
has now released another new product
from the ECOmax family.
The ECOmax – Scarf circular saw
blade is a new development and is
customised for cutting tubes and profiles
with heavy ID scarf on flying cut-off units.
Previously conventional blades were
damaged after only a few cuts because
they cut the high strength weld bead
inside the bottom of the tube. The service
life of the blades was poor and the cost
per cut was high, resulting in a cutting
application that was not economical.
Because of its special tooth form and
cutting geometry – and in combination
with a new proprietary coating – the
ECOmax – Scarf saw blade is suitable
for this application. This new design
works successfully on single head
machines as well as on twin saws
with the simultaneous operation of
two saw blades, to meet customer
requirements and decrease the cost
per cut. Successful trials and ongoing
production usage, together with target
customers and machine manufacturers,
have shown the ECOmax – Scarf blades
can achieve up to 7m of material removal
on welded tubes with wall thickness up
to 14mm.
Gebr Lennartz GmbH & Co KG