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Transatlantic cable

May 2017


Keeping that level high is what


describes as “a steady

drumbeat of news and policy proclamations” seeming likely

to damage the $250 billion American travel industry and its

roughly 15 million USA employees. For example:


Unpleasant initial contacts between the USA president and

leaders of Australia, Germany, Mexico and China, resulting in

negative publicity “in countries that send lots of travellers to



Two majority-Muslim-nation travel bans, with protests

and news coverage “that made for a global public relations

disaster.” The rst ban, suspended by the courts, resulted in

the detention of foreign travellers and airport chaos. The

second, somewhat altered, ban was frozen before it could

take e ect;


An airline cabin restriction on electronic devices for people

ying from airports in eight nations;


Following a 6


March order from the White House to

enhance visa screening, the announcement of a State

Department policy mandating extra vetting of visa

applicants in nations that review US-bound travellers. Noted

Mr Bachman, “This includes inspection of social media

accounts for some.”

The new policy covers nations – among them Brazil, Mexico,

China, Argentina, Colombia and South Africa – that generate

substantial business and tourist tra c. The USTA estimates that

15 million travellers a year will be a ected.


Market strategy rm Tourism Economics LLC, a unit of

Britain’s Oxford Economics, told


that Mr Trump’s

rhetoric and unpopularity abroad will likely reduce visitor

arrivals in the USA by 4.3 million this year.

The popular destinations New York, Los Angeles and Miami

are especially susceptible to any declines.

According to the Washington-based US Travel Association,

during the administration of President Barack Obama

the USA saw an increase in international arrivals from

51 million in 2006 to nearly 78 million in 2015. These

statistics prompted a coda to Mr Bachman’s article: “Some

of that may be attributable to Brand USA, a marketing

organisation formed by Obama’s Commerce Department to

help sell America as an international travel destination.”

Notes on steel


Nucor Corp (Charlotte, North Carolina), announced on 22


March that it will be investing $85 million to upgrade the

rolling mill at its steel bar mill in Marion, Ohio. Nucor Steel

Marion Inc is Ohio’s largest producer of rebar and signpost,

capable of producing over 400,000 tons annually. The mill

recently marked its 100


year of steelmaking.


As reported on 27


March on

by Michael

Luciano, Arkansas-based Big River Steel announced its

collaboration with the arti cial intelligence company

on what they believe will be the rst “smart” steel

mill in the United States.

Big River and its San Francisco-based partner de ne a

smart factory as one in which AI and Internet of Things

(IoT) connectivity play an integral role in the majority