new products
that will deliver the high performance and features
required for enabling future advanced driver assistance
systems (ADAS) and autonomous driving vehicles. The
RH850/V1R-M, the first product from the RH850/V1R
Series, includes a digital signal processor (DSP, Note
1) and high speed serial interfaces and is specifically
designed for middle- to long-range radars.
Software and tools including evaluation boards will also
become available to enable the system developers to
start their development immediately with the RH850/
V1R-M solution.
With the expansion of ADAS and autonomous driving,
sensors are fast becoming a key technology. Currently
vehicles are being equipped with a broad spectrum of
sensors such as cameras, lidar and ultrasonic sensors.
In particular, radar sensors are required for ADAS
applications, including advanced emergency braking
and adaptive cruise control, because, unlike other
sensors, radar sensors are not negatively affected
by external environmental limitations which includes
adverse weather conditions, such as rain, fog or whether
the sun is shining or not.
Additionally, high precision sensing becomes critical
in realizing future autonomous driving to meet the
increasing requirements of range resolution, separation
of objects and precision in measurement of velocity. This
requires increased numbers of antennas and boosting
of the signal processing performance.
To address these needs, Renesas launched the
new RH850/V1R-M MCU specifically designed for
radar applications in ADAS. The new MCU includes
optimized, programmable digital signal processing, a
dual core at 320 megahertz (MHz) with industry-leading
high speed flash of 2 megabyte (MB), a 2 MB internal
RAM, while meeting the industry’s highest temperature
NXP Presents the World’s First One-Chip
Solution for All Global In-Car Infotainment and
Broadcast Standards
Software-defined, multi-standard device for global
digital and analog broadcast standards AM/FM, DAB(+),
DRM(+) and HD
Ultra-compact single chip integrating six ICs into one:
radio and audio as one combined high-performance
system solution
Seamless integration with NXP’s latest automotive
multimedia processor families and next-generation NXP
smart Class D Amplifier
— At CES® 2017, NXP Semiconductors N.V.
(NASDAQ:NXPI), the global leader in automotive and
in-car infotainment semiconductor solutions, announced
the SAF4000 – the world’s first fully integrated software
defined radio solution capable of covering all global
broadcast audio standards, including AM/FM, DAB+,
DRM(+) and HD. The new IC represents a breakthrough
in simplifying the development of high-performance
infotainment platforms as it replaces today’s multi-chip
solutions with a single ultra-compact RFCMOS device.
The SAF4000 is software-defined, thus simplifying the
logistics for car OEMs: a single hardware device covers
all regional broadcast requirements via an end-of-line
firmware update, saving cost and complexity for multiple
hardware and software offerings across the globe.
In combination with NXP’s newly announced
applications processor and the new TDF8534 smart
Class D amplifier, NXP is now able to offer a complete
high-performance, easy-to-use car infotainment platform
with integrated audio in the market.
Car infotainment is a true differentiator for carmakers
and the competitive automotive marketplace. The
integration provided by the SAF4000 reduces complexity
and system costs while delivering a 60% power and
space savings for great design flexibility.
“The step frommulti-chipdiscrete toaone-chipRFCMOS
solution is a true quantum leap for the industry,” said
Torsten Lehmann, senior vice president and general
manager of Car Infotainment and Driver Assistance at
NXP. “One-chip means a significantly smaller hardware
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