wiredInUSA - October 2013
Alongside the 19S, Fujikura Europe has
launched the 19R. The 19R is a four-fiber
ribbon fusion splicer with a wind protector, a
40-second tube heater and a high capacity
Lithium-ion battery pack which can last for
110 splices/shrinks.
Fujikura’s 19s fusion splicer. Photo courtesy
www.fujikura.co.ukFiber optic guide
Mayflex has produced a comprehensive
fiberopticsolutionsproductguide. Theguide
highlights the company’s full fiber optic
offering, together with the complementary
products available.
There are also informative articles, including
an overview of fiber optic cabling systems
designed to guide customers when
choosing products for specific projects,
and an overview of fiber cabling standards.
Mayflex offers awide rangeof fiber products
from stock, including bulk fiber, OM1, OM2,
OM3 and OM4 along with OS2 for single
mode transmission. Many stocked items are
available in loose tube and tight-buffered
construction types. Fiber patch leads
complementing all grades of fiber are kept
with various connector configurations and
can be offered in lengths from 0.5m to
30m. The Sirocco blown fiber system is also
available from stock.
MarkSimmons, salesdirectoratMayflex, said:
“This guide is an excellent tool to convey to
both our existing and potential customers
the full extent of the fiber products Mayflex
both provides and supports. This is yet
another way in which Mayflex is highlighting
the breadth and depth of products and
services available offering our customers a
true converged IP solution.”
Micro-distribution cables
Opticonx has developed a new line of
micro-distribution cables to add to its fiber
optic product range. The new cables are
designed to be high density, compact and
MTP trunks, hybrid MTP/LC trunks, and LC/
LC trunks for data center applications. They
can also be field terminated when used with
Opticonx’s line of breakout kits.