wiredInUSA - October 2013
INDEXBuilt for industrial sectors that require the
use of on/off or slow down/speed up VFD
motor applications, the special PVC jacket
is extremely resistant to oils, coolants and
solvents, making it suitable for exposed runs,
installation in pipes, or burial in the ground.
In areas where electrical interference
may be an issue, Topflex 620 VFD is
double-shielded for effective protection
against electrical disturbances and the
resultant failures. It has been rated for both
600V and 1000V applications, and can
operate in temperature environments from
–25°C to +105°C, having passed both –25°C
cold impact and –40°C cold bend tests.
This robust VFD cable is also suited to
industrial environments such as petroleum
refineries, and gasoline storage and
dispensingareas. Intheeventofanexplosion
or fire Topflex 620 VFD is self-extinguishing
and flame retardant in accordance with
CSA FT4 and NFPA 79.
Topflex 620 VFD power cable is available in
a four-conductor configuration in sizes from
Out of sight, not out of power
Ossia Inc took advantage of the main
stage at September’s TechCrunch Disrupt
San Francisco to reveal its wireless power
technology, Cota.
Cota technology, believed to be the first
commercially viable remote wireless power
system, is said to redefine wireless power by
automatically delivering targeted energy
to multiple devices from as far away as 30
feet, without requiring line of sight.
A30-foot range is sufficient distance tocover
an average two-storey home, establishing
a new paradigm in power distribution that
allows people to use Cota to charge or
power a wide range of devices including
phones, remote controls, cameras, video
game controllers, flashlights, and smoke
During his onstage demo at TechCrunch
Disrupt, Ossia CEO Hatem Zeine lit LEDs and
recharged a smartphone from a distance
of 10 feet using a prototype Cota-powered
"We have been developing the Cota
technology in stealth for the last six years,"
said Zeine. "By revealing for the very first
time real wireless power that is remote,
efficient and safe, Ossia expects to change
everythingyou thinkyouknowaboutwireless
power. Cota will unleash the imagination
of product designers and entrepreneurs
globally to innovate and create new
products that only exist in a completely
wireless state – one that is always on and
always ready."
Ossia's patented smart antenna technology
uses phasedarrays to transfer power without