28. Don't sell intoxicants to a drunken man or woman, and
don't be afraid to refuse drink to a man or woman who you
know has already had enough. In other words, prevent
your place from becoming one in which one can become
drunk or drunker. The souse does your place no good.
He hurts your business.
29. Do not drink while on duty. Be sober when you leave
for the day.
30. Do not hang around the place after your shift is finished.
If you have nothing else to do, call on some of your friends
or others in the same business. You may see and learn
something new. At least you will be making an effort to
create and maintain friendships with those who have an
understanding of your trials and successes.
31. Finally, in other words, be the gentleman, polite, kind,
considerate, sympathetic, tactful, and careful.
32. AND REMEMBER!-—rGood bartenders make as many
customers as does good liquor. The two together are an
unbeatable combination. When a place lacks either one, it
lacks business.