uiring knowledge
language and hearing
, Volume 10, Number 1 2008
From the Editors .......................................................................... 1
From the President ...................................................................... 2
Introducing Ethical Conversations –
Louise Brown
and Chyrisse Heine
........................................................................ 3
Ethics in Clinical Decision-making –
Belinda Kenny
............... 4
Preschool Teachers and Stuttering: A survey of
knowledge, attitudes and referral practices –
Brenda Carey, Susan Block, Fiona Ross, Vince Borg
and Paul O’Halloran
...................................................................... 7
The Early Language Milestone Scale – 2:
Part I: Clinical utility –
Katherine Osborne
............................... 11
The Early Language Milestone Scale – 2:
Part II: Use of ELM-2 and other 0–3 assessment
procedures in Australia –
Katherine Osborne
.......................... 14
Conversation Partner Training – Its Role in Aphasia:
A review of the literature –
Matthew Bradley
and Jacinta Douglas
..................................................................... 18
Webwords 29: Ethics and fidelity –
Caroline Bowen
.............. 22
Speech Pathology in the Asia Pacific Region – Learning
from our Neighbours –
Lindy McAllister
................................ 24
Around the Journals –
Andrew Whitehouse
............................. 25
Outside the Square: Making speech pathology
computer compatible –
Toni Seiler
........................................... 27
Update on the Australian Aphasia Association –
Georgi Laney (National Chairperson) and Matthew Bradley
(National Deputy Chairperson)
................................................... 28
My Top 10 Resources – Bronwyn Macey . .............................. 29
Review of The Australian Aphasia Guide –
Colin F. Cussen
............................................................................. 31
A Consumer Speaks –
Steve Pape
............................................. 33
Book Reviews ............................................................................. 35
his is the first issue of
for 2008 and we are thrilled to
present the first of a series of columns relating to speech
pathology in the Asia-Pacific region. This introductory article
describes how the column will inform us about the nature of
speech pathology work in our region and hopefully stimulate
an interesting exchange of ideas. If you have any particular
experiences with development and delivery of services in the
Asia-Pacific region, please let us know, or contact Lindy
McAllister at Charles Sturt University.
In this issue we have peer reviewed articles covering a
wide range of topics: ethics in clinical decision making,
preschool teachers’ awareness of stuttering; uses of the Early
Language Milestone Scale 2; and training of conversation
partners for people with aphasia.
The theme for this edition of
is “Ethical Practice:
Worthy goal or moral obligation.” Our wonderful Carol Bowen,
in “Webwords”, has tackled this issue in her familiar, creative,
informative and challenging way – a good glass of pinot noir
in hand may enhance your appreciation of this column.
Our worthy goal in selecting this theme was to introduce a
discussion forum called “Ethical Connversations” on the topic
of Ethics in Speech Pathology. In order to commence this
forum, we have presented the key trends and key issues
highlighted by Marie Atherton, Senior Advisor Professional
Issues for Speech Pathology Australia at the Speech Pathology
Australia National Conference in 2007. She raised these points
at the start of a workshop and the discussion generated
around these and other points will be developed and reported
in a book being co-authored by Lindy McAllister (in press).
We will be inviting those who have discussed ethical
practice both as a worthy goal and as a moral obligation to
address these and other ethical considerations in future issues
. If you have opinions about the points raised below or
would like to see discussion of other ethical matters, please
contact the editors. We hope that the ensuing discussion will
support the ongoing development and awareness of ethical
and caring practice of speech pathology in future years.
We thank all retiring editorial committee members for their
support of
and look forward to announcing the new
members of the editorial committee in the next issue.
Louise Brown and Chyrisse Heine
Speech Pathology Week
Sunday 24 August to Saturday 30 August 2008
The theme for this year is ‘Communication – more than just words’
For more information see