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June 22, 2016 

AOAC INTERNATIONAL Official Methods Board 

Deborah McKenzie, Staff Liaison – Deborah McKenzie 

OMB Working Group on Review of Candidate Methods 

AOAC’s pathway to Official Methods of Analysis does not guarantee

Official Methods of 


.  However, trying to demonstrate due diligence has led to repetitive calls for 

methods for the same analytes/matrices with the results being either, few to no methods 

submitted, to methods being reviewed by the ERP and deemed to require further 

optimization and/or development with subsequent cycles of review prior to adoption.   

AOAC is investigating ways to increase the number of methods that will likely meet the 

SMPR submitted for identified stakeholder priorities, and ways of end potential open cycles 

of review of methods that ERPs determine do not meet the SMPRs sufficiently for adoption 


Official Methods of Analysis


AOAC OMB formed a working group that held its initial meeting on Wednesday, May 11, 

2016 and led by Shauna Roman, with working group members including Erin Crowley, Don 

Gilliland, Kate Mastovska, and Tom Phillips along with Delia Boyd and Deborah McKenzie.   

Absent with regrets was ERP chair, Darryl Sullivan. 

McKenzie provided examples from both SPIFAN and SPDS.  Roman provided a flowchart of 

what the process should include.  The working group agreed that there was no need for any 

changes in policy at this time, but rather: 

More focus could be on more explicit training for ERP chairs

Additional communications with potential method authors regarding ERP comments

Reinforcement of deadlines and timelines for submission

These measures will also coincide with additional communications measures earlier in the 

process at the Advisory Panel and Stakeholder Panel meetings pre‐SMPR formation. 


  Examples (McKenzie) and Flowchart (Roman)

AOAC OMB Meeting Book