NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes
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– Tom Martin
Tom reported that the reciprocal club invitations went out Wednesday, January 27, 2016. JYC
was not included in the mailing.
Per the Board’s request, the threshold for charging weekend no-shows who have not made an
attempt to switch or notify the OD or NCYC Secretary should be three weeks. When this occurs,
the member will be charged for the 8 or 16 hours, depending on their membership status, at
the next board meeting, with board approval. Discussion was held on this procedure.
Board review and motion to accept the OD man-hours schedule for all party, open and 3-day
weekends. The Secretary will issue the revised schedule with allowable hours per week. Each
OD that is over on hours will be required to reduce to the published hours. If no reduction is
made the Secretary will make the changes are required to meet the published hours.
A fan-out was sent advising members to let Tom know their preference for weekend hours and
to being assigning weekends to those who did not reply to the fan-out.
Significant discussion on worker committed hours and how to enforce the published schedule.
OD’s will be responsible for maintaining the integrity of the agreed-to weekend worker hour
Topic #1
2016 First Mates Project
Marie Pepin, President First Mates, and members of the First Mates Board of Directors were introduced.
Marie provided an explanation of the 2016 First Mates project – the renovation of the east clubhouse.
The First Mates have budgeted $4,000 to be dedicated to the renovation of the entire east clubhouse, to
include 3 age-appropriate lounging/play areas. The First Mates plan to repair and paint walls, remove
(dispose of or sell) unused video games, fix or remove the current air hockey table and provide new
tables/chairs to the area.
Discussion was held regarding enforcing the
“no alcohol is to be used in this area.”
Concerns were
expressed about the need to use the area as overflow during holidays or party weekends. Further
discussion is needed on this policy. Signs are currently posted to this effect but not adhered to.
All video games are available for sale – operating or non-operating condition. Discussion was held about
ways to dispose of the games.
The motion was made to approve the 2016 First Mates project. Motion seconded by Bill Calihan.
Motion carried.
Discussion was held with regard to the First Mates providing partial funding for a new pizza oven for the
clubhouse. There is concern about where the oven can be located in the kitchen. Funding from the First
Mates will need to be discussed and approved by the entire First Mates membership at its next general
meeting, since the funds are not budgeted for in the 2016 First Mates Budget.