1 day
Introduction to
What does mentoring mean, how can it
help our unions, what are the professional
boundaries involved, how do we manage
the time, what is the responsibility?
An ideal course for new and interested
potential mentors.
2 day
An essential part of union organising to develop new and active
members is to provide mentoring for them. This is about the
development of the individual within the collective, about supporting
colleagues in tough situations and helping them to reflect on planning
and growing their effectiveness.
The previous great success and popularity of the GFTU’s mentoring
training is repeated again in this programme as two courses an
introduction and a taking it further weekend.
Taking Mentoring
This course is aimed at existing mentors and
will share best practice across sectors and
circumstances and broaden and deepen
an understanding of the role as well as
considering some of the latest theories and
ideas about refining the work of mentors.
3 day
Organising Workers,
What Works?
Organised workers in unions are better off
than those unorganised. But what does
organising mean these days? We know
it is a different model from the purely
servicing model of trade unions, but is the
concept we have used of an organising
union enough? How can you organise
unless you are able to educate? Drawing
on international and local experience this
school will seek to inject a renewed sense of
what organising really means.
The school is suitable for anyone in our
unions keen to recruit and organise and
sustain the activity of members.
1 day
Annual Youth Festival
The GFTU Now has a good track record of
creating events and spaces with young
workers for young workers. At the centre
of this programme are our annual Youth
Festival. It’s a transformative event for many
participants and you can see the lightbulb
moments happening about the importance
of trade unions as participative workshops,
speakers, debates and performances engage
participants in a powerful set of experiences.
The festival is an ideal opportunity to get
young members, with ages as defined by
your union, into an environment that will
hook them in as activists for years to come.
Book early.
EA35: 2017 April 7/8/9
EA36: 2018 April 20/21/22
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