by June Quirk
The Toreros this year have ended with a fourteen victory
to an eleven loss averag e. Four of the starters this year
were returnees from the '66 NCAA Regional Playoff's.
They have proven that the Toreros are on the way to
something hig with the outstanding coaching of Phil
Woolpert. The spirit was strong even though a few
members of the team suffered injuries before or at the
beginning of the season.
Alan Fay, (6-5, 210 lb .) forward, was the team captain.
He finished the year with great rebounding and accurate
shots in the court. Fay will leave the Toreros ranking
tenth among the all-time scores atU.S.D. His great team
work and spirit will be a loss to the Toreros.
Rick Cabrera, (6-3, 1751b.) forward, ranked in the
highest esteem in field goals and pointage with Ted
Fields at a close second. Cabrera has shown great team
spirit and has bee n one of the great team boosters to all
the players. The potential for his final year looks good.
Ted Fields, (6-2, 1851b.) gua rd and forward, Cabrera's
comrade on the court, has shown outstanding ability in
field action and shooting. He is co nsidered one of the
best guards on the coast, and he has well proven this
honor with this season's action.
Bill Sheridan, (6-0, 1801b.) guard, has finished his second
season as a starter for the Toreros. He has shown
outstanding accuracy in shooting and strong defensive
action this y ear. He is th e "speedee" on the court. His
potential for next y ear is hi gh and it looks good for the
whole team.
Durel Carpenter, (6-5, 2151b.) c enter, was a transfer
from Stanford and Mt. San Antonio J.C. Carpenter has
been one of the most outstanding center's in U.S.D.
history. He was a good asset to the Toreros this season.
Gus Magee, (6-6, 2151b.) center, was a transfer from the
Air Fo rce. He has shown team power and spirit and has
been the uplift to both the team and the fans, for when
things weren't looking too good one could always see
Gus smiling with thumbs up for victory.
Jim Wilke, (6-6, 1851b.) forward and center, has pro ven
to have great potential in vars ity action as all hav e seen.
He has been quick to action, emphasizing the want to
win and working as a str ong defensive man. He will b e
good potential for the varsity in the next two years of his