Bob McCloskey, (6-0, 1801b.) gua rd, transferred from a
Junior College to U.S.D. the second semester of his
freshman year. He has shown good potential and team
spirit this year and his future with the Toreros looks
Bill Ferree, (6-0, 1751b.) g uard, has gotten the reputa
tion of se tting the field aflame. Once he starts his gr eat
defensive action everyone moves— crazy is at it and
the opponents seem to be falling all over each other. He
was a great backer to the action and spirit of the team
and his presence will be missed.
Jim Allen, (6-1, 1801b.) f orward, has shown agility in
point making and field action. More of his tea m action
will be seen when he returns for his final season.
The other team players are guard, Steve Wojodowski;
forwards, Mike Ferrua and John Cleave; and centers
Phil Hand and Greg Long. All were good team sup
porters and shared in the glory of the U.S.D. Toreros.