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r. Murray Bowen, who passed

away in 1990 at the age of 77,

was a psychiatrist and a professor at

the Georgetown University School of

Medicine. He did important research

concerning the human family at the

National Institutes of Health. He trained and

taught at the famous Menninger Clinic.

Bowen wrote and presented many scientific

papers at important psychiatric meetings and

took part in helping to start two academic

organizations centered around the human

family, AFTA (American Family Therapy

Association) and AAMFT (American

Association for Marriage and Family

Therapy).The Bowen Center for the Study of

the Family (formerly Georgetown University

Family Center) in Washington, D.C., grew

up around him and his work. It is still a

vibrant presence


in the world of family theory and therapy,

training, and conferencing, and publishes the


Family Systems

. Bowen’s work and the

Bowen Center have spawned fifteen other

centers in Chicago, New England, Houston,

Virginia, Florida, Kansas City, and other

places around the globe.

One might stop here and think that this is a

great legacy. But all this pales in significance

to Bowen’s contributions to the world of

ideas. He never wrote a book. But in his

collected papers,

Family Therapy in Clinical


, presented, for the most part, at

scientific meetings, lie a whole new way

of seeing the human. It is a new and far

superior description of human relationships,

and directions for a new and better way of

conducting oneself in one’s family and in

other important relationships. There, too,

we find a new and better psychotherapy and

important directions for parents, as well as

principles for leaders of organizations. All

these exceed in usefulness, effectiveness and

validity, anything we have had in these areas


What Bowen Saw

The basis for the new ideas was the discovery

of a fact that no one before Bowen had seen:

the emotional unity of the human nuclear

family. From working with them, he noticed

that families were emotionally connected.

That is, what affects one person in a family

affects them all. He saw strong ties between

them that hugely influence their behavior,

feeling and thinking.They are a system.

This new realization dominated Bowen’s

thinking from then on. Humans could not

be understood except in the context of their

nuclear and extended families. We are all not

simply stand-alone individuals; we are instead

a part of something much larger than we

ourselves - our nuclear families. The study of

that organism, the family, soon led Bowen to

see that not only were nuclear and extended

families influencing individuals’ lives, but our

generations were potent influences, as well.

Bowen’s psychiatry residents, social work and

nursing therapists at the university began to

research their generations. New tools, such as

The Legacy of Dr. Murray Bowen


the family diagram, came into being

to keep the information organized

and graphic. These new ideas changed

peoples’ lives as therapists gained

facility with them, and they made

for great excitement in the world of

psychiatry, where, from the beginning, large

groups congregated wherever Bowen spoke.

From the original observation of the

emotional unity of the family had come

a set of eight concepts, describing how the

emotional processes discovered in families

played out in detail: triangles, differentiation

of self, nuclear family emotional system,

family projection, multigenerational family

transmission, emotional distancing, sibling

position, and societal emotional process.

Called Bowen Family Systems Theory, it

describes the following:

• The common relationship patterns in

nuclear and extended families, and

• How we get caught in them

• What it means to be a grown-up

• How to transform oneself farther into

adulthood on a continuing basis

• How family relationships can end up

with some people leaving

• How emotional triangles can defeat

important relationships

• How children are often over-focused in

families, resulting in various symptoms

• The influential power of our

generations over us

• How and why siblings in the same

family turn out so differently, and

• Societal emotional progressions and
