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ong ago, Ralph Waldo Emerson

wrote, “Be ye an opener of doors,

for those who follow after ye.”

In my life, many doors have opened.

Throughout my journey in exploration,

in learning, in life, many doors were

opened for me, and there were other doors I

opened myself.

Today, I meet a great number of fellow

travelers who have lost that Bright Future

vision, yet every day, you and I work to live

our values: respect, love, inclusion, diversity,

listening and sharing; and all the while,

new opportunities, new questions, and new

doors open. I find great excitement opening

doors, and observing our younger generations

welcoming the journey as we move beyond

the walls, beyond the status-quo. When I say,

“To serve is to live,” our Millennials say, “Of


I have been fortunate enough to work with

leaders from the corporate, governmental

and social sectors who were inspired by this

challenge. One of the most valuable ways we

work to open the doors for others is through

the Hesselbein Global Academy for Student

Leadership and Civic Engagement.

Eight years ago, we asked ourselves what

would happen if, every year, 25 college

students were chosen from all over our

country and 25 from all over the world to

gather at the University of Pittsburgh.

Then, from remarkable, distinguished leaders

in all three sectors, mentors would be chosen,

one for every four or five students, and these

student-mentor teams would come to the

University for four days, live together, work

together, dream together, engage in leadership

dialogue, and provide community service that

would change their and our lives.

Because of the students’ experiences at the

Leadership Summit, or through the doors

that were opened to them, they shared

intentions on the work they would do,

in turn opening doors for others.

“I want to make the political system

of my country more transparent and

democratic and to improve the HDI

[human development index] of my

country, as India is 135th in the world.” -

2016 student from India

“I want to share the inspiration I have

received to help people realize that what

matters is not where you are coming from,

but how high your dreams can reach. I want

to lead by example and prove that the best

way to predict the future is to create it.” -

2016 student from Poland

“I will use this experience to add a component

of leadership to the curriculum at the science

park I work in as a mentor for children, our

future leaders.” - 2016 student from Ecuador

At the Hesselbein Academy, our mission is

to inspire, develop, and reward accomplished

student leaders to meet the challenges of

tomorrow, allowing us to embody Ralph

Waldo Emerson’s important words regarding

opening doors for others.

For eight years,our partnership with students,

faculty, mentors, colleges and universities

from all over the world has supported this

global initiative, has changed lives, and has

moved us beyond the old walls into that

Bright Future that is our new reality.

Frances Hesselbein, a Presidential Medal of Freedom

recipient, is the president and CEO of the Frances

Hesselbein Leadership Institute and editor-in-chief of

the award-winning quarterly journal, Leader to Leader,

as well as co-editor of 27 books translated into 29

languages. Twitter: @ToServeIsToLive

Opener of Doors


“Frances has inspired my leadership path for almost

two decades since my days as a student at our shared

alma mater, the University of Pittsburgh. Her grace

and wisdom gave me the courage to pursue my dreams

at work and in life. I’m forever grateful for all the time

she has spent with me and the many, many doors she

has opened.”

- Joan Snyder Kuhl

board member, Frances Hesselbein Institute and

co-author with Frances Hesselbein of

Peter Drucker’s Five Most Important Things