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. Marshall Hahn Jr. died in May

2016 at the age of 89, 54 years

after undertaking the presidency of

Virginia’s historically white male

military land-grant institution, known

then as VPI (Virginia Polytechnic

Institute) and now as Virginia Tech.

VPI grew up in the Blacksburg area, a small

town west of the Blue Ridge and far from

major population centers. It was a good

school with real strengths and limitations.

Marshall Hahn said that he had accepted

the office “deliberately, with the idea that

with engineering and agriculture, both of

which had some national prominence, that

you could develop a nationally prominent

institution…that you could really build.”

“There was real opportunity to stir things

up,” Hahn explained. “The state needed to

be awakened, the institution needed to be

vitalized, and the opportunity was just hitting

you over the head every morning.”

What transformations did he seek, what did

he accomplish, and how did he transform

the institution, building a comprehensive

university, a nationally prominent institution?

Marshall Hahn brought many advantages to

his new position. He had lived his entire 35

years in association with the public land-grant

education system. His father was a physics

professor at the University of Kentucky, and

there Hahn Jr. earned his undergraduate

degree at the age of 18. He did his doctoral

work at another land-grant school,MIT, then

taught physics at Kentucky, before moving

to VPI for five years as professor of physics

and department head. Then he departed

for another land-grant school, Kansas State

University, as dean of its new College of Arts

and Sciences.

After three years away, he returned to VPI,

prepared to move VPI along the path he had

observed and nurtured in Kansas. He came

to his new post determined to build mightily

on VPI’s strengths. Moreover, Hahn had

boundless energy, tremendous people skills

and a photographic memory.

But it was how Hahn went about his

leadership roles at VPI that shaped his super-

sized legacy. The ways he presided over VPI

provide a model for anyone embarking on a

leadership role in central administration in

higher education or any nonprofit.

Hahn came to VPI with a clear strategy and

a strong set of tactics, but he did not presume

to dictate a transformation. He articulated

his goals and his rationale, and he set out to

persuade people to join him. President Hahn

cultivated his core stakeholders, without

whom he would almost surely have failed

utterly. Most of all, that meant securing the

active support of the board of visitors, the

trustees who had enormous sway in steering

the enterprise.

Hahn’s administration swiftly recruited deans

for the emerging colleges of engineering,

agriculture, business, architecture, arts and

Creating a University


sciences, and home economics. Into

the hands of these new deans he

entrusted the recruitment of new

department heads and faculty. A

serious commitment to research as

well as teaching was required of each

new faculty, and greatly increased

emphasis on research in the growing cohorts

of graduate students.

Hahn also cultivated the governor of Virginia

and the lieutenant governor who became the

next governor, as well as the state legislature.

He would need a big boost in financial

resources, and he energetically sought that

funding. Beyond his own institution, he

actively sought to enhance the entire Virginia

public higher education system, and he was

instrumental in securing enactment of a new

system of community colleges.

Marshall Hahn had advantages beyond his

personal characteristics and institutional

experiences. In the 1960s, the nation and the

state were prospering. Hahn arrived when

the legislature was receptive to substantial

increases in taxes and spending for education.

He began his presidency when the baby

boom was about to crest, so he perceived the

opportunity and obligation to make space

available for an additional thousand students

every year. New funding would enable the

rapid growth of faculty and salary raises

that could make the institution attractive to

the best new faculty, as well as the physical

infrastructure to supply additional classrooms,

residence halls, and labs.

Uncoupling the campus from its twenty-

year connection to Radford College was

crucial. He believed he could not have the