DeepSea Obfuscator 2009 - page 25

Obfuscation Reference 25
© 2009 TallApplications BV
Obfuscation(Feature="control-flow /t:<typename>", Exclude=true|false)
The following attribute will prevent all control flow obfuscation in the entire assembly.
[assembly:Obfuscation(Feature="control-flow", Exclude=true)]
Other attribute properties
If true, code in the assembly is not obfuscated.
If false, code in the assembly is obfuscated.
If true, this control-flow rule is also applied to
members of the element.
If false, this control-flow rule is not applied to
members of the element.
All (without arguments)
Assembly (with /type or /namespace argument)
4.1.5 Cleanup feature
Instruct the obfuscator to include or exclude elements in the cleanup process. The
cleanup process removes all un-referenced types and member.
Obfuscation(Feature="cleanup", Exclude=true|false)
Obfuscation(Feature="cleanup /namespace:<namespace> [/strict:true|false]", Exclud
Obfuscation(Feature="cleanup /type:<typename>", Exclude=true|false)
Abbreviated format
Obfuscation(Feature="cleanup /n:<namespace> [/s:true|false]", Exclude=true|false)
Obfuscation(Feature="cleanup /t:<typename>", Exclude=true|false)
Other attribute properties
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